Community Hub for Fitness Professionals to manage client relationships, sessions and track progress.
- Firebase Hosting:
- Clone project to local:
$ git clone
- Install node modules
// navigate to project directory
$ cd passion-project-veeepi
// install
$ npm install
// or
$ yarn
- Create a file named 'config.json' in the project's '/src' folder
$ cd src
$ touch config.json
Setup Firebase Project (Web)
Find the firebaseConfig data from Firebase Project Settings
Copy the firebaseConfig data into 'config.json'
- manage connections with other users (add/remove connections )
- view connection's profiles, which contain user data relevant to the Coach (userType)
- Coaches can create/edit Sessions with a client; client can view on their Dashboard
- Coaches can Start a Session, which enables Completion; disables ability to Start new Sessions while a Session is 'in progress' status
- create/edit Actions within a Session at any stage, other than 'cancelled' and 'completed'
- search through the list of a user's Sessions by substring
- search through the list of a user's User Connections by substring
- update database in realtime, using Firebase onSnapshot()
The goal of the Passion Project module is to provide each student with an opportunity to individually explore and expand their abilities within a hands-on project-based setting.
The student will perform all roles including:
- Product Owner
- Product Designer/Planner
- Project Manager
- Designer
- Dev Ops
- Developer
Students are encouraged to work independantly (or in small groups of 2 or 3 if there is a shared passion).
Students are able to use the tech stack of their choice.
Leading up to this point in our program you were asked to plan, design, and start to develop a product of your choosing. Given your increased experience with web and mobile technologies, you will be provided with class time to perform the tasks necessary to result in the following:
- A deployed main branch of any web based project assets.
- A clearly defined document with installation instructions as well as links and descriptions for all project assets.
- A project board that shows all of your build activitites (GitHub Project, Trello, etc.)
- A 5 minute presentation of the primary use cases for your application.
- Review your original product plan and design.
- Make changes to your plan/design where necessary to ensure that you can have a completed product for the Passion project demo day.
- Set specific milestones for your project, this will help to ensure that primary use cases are built in priority sequence and functional to a required minimum. (Not all milestones need to be completed...)
- All commits are to be done on a branch other than main and connected to a GitHub "issue". If working alone you can review and merge your own pull requests.
These are really based on the design of your application and up to you...The only requirements are that each application has:
- some form persistant data that requires a database
- an implementation of a user interface that appropriately ties the app to the persisted data.
All other features should be included on an as needed basis for your application.
Presentations will take place 1pm-4pm PST April 16th, 2021.
The due date for graded code to be on GitHub is 11:59pm April 18th, 2021.
The passion project accounts for 20% of your SSDP5001 mark.
SSDP5001 Weighting
- Career Success Series (13.33%)
- Passion Project (20%)
- Industry Project (66.67%)