- In order to use this app, user has to be authenticated through sign in or register.
- This app is for people who love to use Netflix. It provides movie information and makes easy for user to pick up the movies.
- User can see filtered list of movies, which are like most popular movies, highly rated.
- User also can watch short video clips about what they search for movies.
- Whenever user search for movies, search histories are saved into database.
- Authentication( Register / Login/out)
- Database
- Firebase
- Firestorage
- Swift UI
- Register / Sign In page
- Landing page (show filtered movies with api call)
- Search History Page
- Accurate validation system
- After searching, as soon as a user clicks on the movie image, the movie clip has to be occurred right away.
- Decide technology to make application
- Make prototype using Adobe XD
- Make ReadMe file
- Create Swift repo and set up basic settings
- Study more about Firebase
- Make sign in/ Register form
- Firebase set up
- Make Landing page
- Complete API calling
- Complete Landing page
- Make Search page
- Get video clip data
- Complete Search page
- Make Search History Page
- Firestore set up
- Complete Search History Page
- Add functions which is nice to have
- Deploying
- Sign up / In forms with validation
- Button navigation that has home / Search History / Search / setting
- Render a Landing Page which has filtered movies
- Store search data from user
- User profile
- setting page
- Users could comment directly on a film, make their own ratings
- Function to see what other users are watching or have in their favourites
Black | #080000 | 8, 0, 0 |
Red | #D80A0A | 216, 10, 10 |