Parses torrent files and creates symlinks for matching Movies and TV local data
This script is intended to be used in a Windows environment. Check out Autotorrent for Linux/MacOS usage.
Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt
to install the required libraries
usage: [-h] -i INPUT_PATH -r ROOT_PATH -s SAVE_PATH
Creates symlinks for existing data given torrent file(s) as inputs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_PATH Torrent file or directory containing torrent files
-r ROOT_PATH Root folder (eg. your torrent client download directory) containing downloaded content which will be
checked for cross-seedable files
-s SAVE_PATH Root folder (eg. your torrent client download directory) where symlinks will be created
py -i "D:\torrentfiles" -r "D:\TorrentClientDownloads\complete" -s "D:\TorrentClientDownloads\complete"
py -i "D:\torrentfiles\MyTorrentFile.torrent" -r "D:\TorrentClientDownloads\complete" -s "D:\TorrentClientDownloads\complete"