@bigcommerce/checkout-sdk / MonerisPaymentInitializeOptions
A set of options that are required to initialize the Moneris payment method.
Once Moneris payment is initialized, a credit card payment form is provided by the payment provider as an IFrame, it will be inserted into the current page. These options provide a location and styling for the payment form.
methodId: 'moneris',
moneris: {
containerId: 'container',
style : {
cssBody: 'background:white;';
cssTextbox: 'border-width:2px;';
cssTextboxCardNumber: 'width:140px;';
cssTextboxExpiryDate: 'width:40px;';
cssTextboxCVV: 'width:40px';
• containerId: string
The ID of a container where the Moneris iframe component should be mounted
• Optional
form: HostedFormOptions
Hosted Form Validation Options
• Optional
style: MonerisStylingProps
The styling props to apply to the iframe component