Download the production version or the development version.
In your web page:
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="dist/bd.timedistance.min.js"></script>
This library was heavily inspired by Ruby on Rails' built in helper function that converts the difference between two times to a human-readable text approximation of that time difference.
Distances are reported based on the following table:
Difference | Text |
0 to 30 secs | less than a minute |
31 secs to 1 min, 30 secs | 1 minute |
1 min, 31 secs to 44 mins, 30 secs | 2 minutes .. 44 minutes |
44 mins, 31 secs to 89 mins, 30 secs | about 1 hour |
89 mins, 31 secs to 23 hrs, 59 mins, 30 secs | about 2 hours .. about 24 hours |
23 hrs, 59 mins, 31 secs to 41 hrs, 59 mins, 30 secs | 1 day |
41 hrs, 59 mins, 41 secs to 29 days, 23 hrs, 59 mins, 30 secs | 2 days .. 29 days |
29 days, 23 hrs, 59 mins, 30 secs to 59 days, 23 hrs, 59 mins, 30 secs | about 1 month |
59 days, 23 hrs, 59 mins, 30 secs to 1 yr | 2 months .. 12 months |
1 yr, 1 sec to 1 yr 3 mos | about 1 year |
1 yr, 3 mos to 1 yr, 9 mos | over 1 year |
1 yr, 9 mos to 2 yrs | almost 2 years |
1 yr + | (same rules as 1 yr) |
The date to compare against is an optional second argument, otherwise it is assumed that the date you are piping into the filter is getting compared with the current time.
<span>{{myDate | timeDistance}}</span>
<span>{{myDate | timeDistance:myOtherDate}}</span>
- Add support for "ago" and "from now" based on the direction.
- i18n support (right now only supports English).
- Configurability of the windows
- (Optional) support for sub-minute differences (e.g., 23 seconds)