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It's an API service for a ToDo application with the following features:

  • Ability to make multiple to do lists
  • Ability to make multiple to do lists
  • Ability to add a to do
  • Ability to list the added to dos in the list
  • Ability to edit the to do
  • Ability to delete the to do
  • Ability to mark the to do as done
  • The user who created the to do list should be the only one allowed to edit the lists
  • Other users should be only allowed to view the lists and the items


  • Java8
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • H2 DB
  • Spring Doc open API
  • Gradle project

How to run

Run as a Docker
Build Docker image
  • Run below command:
./gradlew bootBuildImage --imageName=az-todo-assignment
Run Docker image
docker run -p 8080:8080 az-todo-assignment
Run without Docker
./gradlew clean build bootRun

How to use:

  • All the end points are accessible only for authorized users (predefined users).
  • Limiting the scope of requirements I have inserted some users in DB by data.sql.
  • In resources folder I have added schema.sql and data.sql for DB and predefined users.
  • In each API header we have to pass userId (as authentication-token please use 1,2,3,4 userIds)
  • Without userId all APIs will through authorization exception.
  • Users can add/update/delete their own ToDo Items.
  • All authorized users can see all ToDO lists.
  • You can easily test whole application with swagger-ui.
  • It's also deployed on heroku

Useful links:

Improvement points:

  • We should have UserController OR user endpoint for login and registration purpose.
  • Then after we should have spring-security with JTW token base authentication & authorization.
  • Code coverage is missing.


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