A programming language revolving around piping.
Pipescript is a functional, dynamically weakly typed, interpreted, indented programming language.
This is still a work in progress
- useless complexity is waste of time.
- using functions for everything.
- human readable code.
- piping is a great idea.
plz report any bugs by creating an issue.
for getting an idea about performance of pipescript check out.
- piping
- pattern matching functions
- pure functions
- immutabillity by default
- higher order functions (coming soon)
by pure functions i mean functions are idempotent and have no side effects. note, printing to stdout is not considered a side effect for simplicity reasons.
git clone https://github.com/AyushmanTripathy/pips
cd pips
make clean install //with privilege
pips <input file>
to change the installation location, change the $INSTALLDIR in Makefile.
intrested in syntax highlighting check out.
Pipescript is a very simple language.
pipescript supports #
and //
piping is used to channel output of one function into another.
print | add 1 2
following gives the same output, but instead of | we are using code blocks
print [add 1 2]
variables in pipescript are immutable.
set "x" 10
print "factorial of" x "is" | factorial x
there are 4 data types in pipescript.
- numbers
set "x" 101
add .1 .2 //gives 0.3
- strings
set "x" "this is a example string"
- boolean
set "x" True
set "y" False
- null
set "x" Null
null value is returned by void functions.
pipescript has your well know if, else statments
if [eq number 1]:
print "number is one"
elif [eq number 2]:
print "number is two"
print "number is not one or two"
note the use of code blocks, pipes can also be used.
if | eq number 1: print "number is still one"
function are king in pipescript.
there are two types of functions
- fn functions
these are good old functions
fn factorial x:
if [eq x 1]: return 1
return | multiply x | factorial [add x -1]
note return is also a function, so you have to pipe your output into return.
functions can also be one liners
fn square x: pow x 2
- self (tail recursions)
self keyword is used to call the parent function. this is used to mark a tail recurison which is more efficient and faster than normal recursion.
fn factorial x y:
if [eq x 1]: return y
return | self [add x -1] [multiply x y]
note: a return should always follow self calls (tail recursion fashion).
fn factorial x:
if [eq x 1]: return 1
return | multiply | self [add x -1]
doing something like this will result in a type error or a function collapse error (error raised when function cannot give an output).
- def functions
these are pattern matching functions.
def foo
0: pass "Even"
1: pass "Odd"
x: foo | reminder x 2
print 10 "is" | foo 10
return function can be used instead of pass if you like.
for example a factorial be implemented as such
def factorial
x: factorial x 1
1 y: pass y
x y: self [add x -1] [multiply x y]
note pattern matching happens from top to bottom hence the 1 y
case must be
before x y
case to work.
for more advanded pattern we use guards, for example fibbonacci can be implemented as such.
def patternFibb
x: patternFibb x 1 1 0
target x a b: self target [add x 1] [add a b] a
eq target x: pass a
if no guards match then default statment is executed.
def trickFibb
target: self 1 1 0
x a b: self [add x 1] [add a b] a
eq target x: pass a
this is a handy little trick, note the use of self in first pattern case. when function is called with self, variables from earlier instances are saved unless overwritten.
execution starts with global function (global scope), hence it is possible to
return out of global scope.
if a number value is returned, it is used as exit code.
- Boolean functions
funtion name | argument | description |
bool | 1 any type | converts to boolean |
not | 1 boolean type | equivalent of ! |
eq | 2 same types | equivalent of == |
lt | 2 same types | equivalent of < |
gt | 2 same types | equivalent of > |
and | 2 booleans | equivalent of && |
or | 2 booleans | equivalent of || |
- Number functions
funtion name | argument | description |
neg | 1 number | gives negative of a number |
abs | 1 number | gives the absolute value |
sum | numbers | add all up numbers |
add | 2 numbers | add the 2 number |
subtract | 2 number | first subtracted by secound |
pow | 2 numbers | first raised to secound |
root | 1 number | root of number |
sq | 1 number | square of number |
multiply | numbers | multiplies all numbers |
divide | 2 numbers | divides first by secound |
reminder | 2 numbers | reminder of first divied by secound |
max | number | gives max of the numbers |
min | number | gives min of the numbers |
- Miscellaneous functions
funtion name | argument | description |
any type | print to stdout space separated | |
pass | any type | gives the first input |
return | any type | returns the first input from the function |
error | 1 string | raises a raised error |
thank you for trying out pipescript! 👍