Welcome to AwesomeExplorer (AweXplor) – the ultimate tool for exploring GitHub's awesome lists with ease and efficiency!
AwesomeExplorer is a web application designed to enhance the way you browse GitHub's awesome lists. AweXplor transforms these plain text lists into an interactive, user-friendly interface where you can easily sort, filter, and discover projects based on various criteria.
Interactive Browsing: Navigate through awesome lists with a sleek, intuitive interface that displays repository names, descriptions, star counts, recent update times, tags, and owners.
Advanced Sorting: Sort projects by popularity or activity to quickly find the most popular or recently active repositories.
Filtering: Narrow down your search by filtering out unmaintained or overly popular repositories.
Mobile Friendly: Enjoy a responsive design that ensures seamless browsing on any device, including smartphones and tablets.
To start using AwesomeExplorer, simply visit our website https://awexplor.github.io/ and begin exploring your favorite awesome lists with newfound ease and efficiency.
Currently, we feature a selection of popular awesome list projects due to GitHub API rate limits and the limited number of API tokens available. If you'd like to see a specific awesome list repository included, please open an issue and we will consider adding it.