Let's support _all_ of our users!
Related to instrumentation and analytics
For issues specific to Safari only
Issues created in order to align the UX with other platforms
Bad stuff — something related to an app crash!
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Needs documentation, either in-app or on the Help page.
Improve existing functionality
Anything relating to checklists.
Anything related to collaboration.
Related to anything dark mode.
Anything related to the editor.
Anything related to export
Anything related to history.
Anything related to import
Anything relating to login.
Anything relating to markdown.
Anything related to the note list.
Anything related to previewing notes.
Anything related to publishing.
Request for a new feature
Anything related to searching.
Anything relating to security, passcode lock, etc.
Anything relating to settings.
Anything related to shortcuts