released this
19 Jul 14:09
24 commits
to alpha
since this release
1.12.0-alpha.1 (2024-07-19)
Bug Fixes
- buttons: outline variations missing style with wp 6.6 (#270) (dabae5b)
- navigation: correct gap between items when using responsive nav (#243) (b707642)
- newspack-grid: adjust large and extra large screens (#256) (47b748c)
- search-results: no results apply alignwide to homepage articles (#242) (315bc59)
- sticky element with admin bar on small screens (#238) (2f2b056)
- add 50/50 Image/Header single post template (#268) (a010920)
- add blank screenshot (#252) (8839ea5)
- add columns patterns (#274) (41290a7)
- add drawer menu pattern; reorganise overlays (#244) (4cdb255)
- add footer patterns and update template part (#177) (615c2a2)
- add header desktop patterns (#254) (ff6d296)
- add header mobile patterns (#255) (e1f371d)
- add margin to alignleft and alignright elements (#261) (97140de)
- add optional mobile-only and desktop-only to fixed elements (#246) (2cdfc1b)
- add sidebar grid layout (#258) (cb29dc6)
- add sidebar-contents template part and use it for single sidebar layout (#276) (488e43c)
- add support for yoast blocks (faq, how-to) (#241) (d63260a)
- add support for yoast breadcrumbs; move cap styles to subdirectory (#239) (463584e)
- author-list: add block styles (#250) (7acd4a3)
- breadcrumbs: ensure text and link colors are supported (#240) (fb3e939)
- button: x-small size adjust min-height and border-radius for consistency with newspack-icon (#271) (5fa1f7c)
- footer: add new pattern and adjust style 4 (#269) (9e826e9)
- footer: update credits (#278) (cec87b1)
- homepage-articles: add transition to links (#234) (bdf924a)
- navigation: update hover style; remove underline and use color-mix instead (#247) (08994a3)
- overlay: update close button to 64px tall/wide (#233) (39e9dad)
- patterns: add 1 new footer pattern (#257) (758e38c)
- patterns: improve columns preview; add 25/25/25/25 (#275) (0f5427f)
- post-carousel: update style (#249) (d87ac30)
- post-meta: update hover state (#251) (b1ba1d5)
- reorganise header parts (#253) (14ee203)
- search: update template part to match pagination with archive (#279) (6e3da20)
- simplify home and index templates to match page and archive; remove archive pattern (#277) (5d09c60)
- update comments elements names (#235) (27e963e)
- update mobile menu elements names (#237) (a1f5070)
- update post header patterns; add wide option (#267) (1bd4d76)
- update post header to use pattern; introduce sidebar post template (#262) (ff015a1)
- update post-content; adjust align left/right position (#280) (b1a5378)
- update search elements names (#236) (0f926d2)