1.10.0 (2024-07-01)
Bug Fixes
- button-block: add border-style (#199) (7bec2be)
- exclude styles for navigation submenu toggle (#206) (bdb5f6f)
- post-meta: use block registry for conditional content (#194) (3e4c738)
- root padding (#178) (ba76bf1)
- update newspack-scripts to v5.5.1 (72e9c48)
- add custom shadows (#200) (960080b)
- add blank with footer page template (#172) (ec1842b)
- add ghost-like button (#197) (2dc13c3)
- add negative margin to last block in entry-content when fullwidth and background (#204) (1119cad)
- add post-content block styles (#193) (8bf31f5)
- add single full width image template (#195) (39a8bde)
- add specific styles for the query block (#184) (61ea564)
- add styles for some specific blocks (audio, verse, jp image compare) (b20c33c)
- adjust columns block and pagination (#182) (88d46d0)
- column-block: add rounded block style (#170) (9ac025f)
- columns: force flex-basis when using newspack-grid and a 25/50/25 layout (#191) (b5c00f7)
- list-block: add checked block style (#171) (309dd6d)
- make sure newspack ui buttons are not overridden (#205) (adef881)
- move all block styles to JS (#185) (217be19)
- refactor query pagination; remove alignwide (#196) (17b3075)
- remove spacers (#179) (bda489d)
- update archive templates (#183) (af362ab)
- update columns with borders style (#187) (0d91907)
- update custom shadows (#201) (e29a257)
- update fonts from system to inter and from monospace to jetbrainsmono (#190) (a429c8d)
- update form elements (#203) (7395065)
- update separator block; improve styles (#180) (b335e79)
- update single template (#192) (29fb0ca)
- update theme description; add baseline utility class (#198) (81eb790)