Website design adapted from The Flutter Way youtube.
This application data is scraped from the CNN health website
Website: Population number source
Take a look: Covid-19 SG Dashboard
- Basic web scraping from a website
- UI/UX design
- Flutter widget animations
- Project planning
- General application functions
- Scrape data from website
- Auto-refresh (rescrape) when webpage reloads / press refresh button
- Daily motivational quote
- Links to Singapore facebook link for most recent news
- Flutter charts
- Data plots for the past 21 days covid19 cases in Singapore
- Displays top 3 highest case countries
- World map on risks
- Spreads useful information about Covid19 and how to combat
- Responsive to varied screen sizes
- Orbit and blinking animations
Flutter SDK
- fl_chart
- intl
- cupertino_icons
- google_fonts
- flutter_svg
- fl_chart
- provider
- url_launcher
Firebase web hosting