A website made from Flask that retrieves grades from Home Access Center (A common grade adiministration system in Texas K-12 public schools)
- Grade retreival (basically the same as using HAC)
- Final grade calculator
- Simulated Grades
- Max/Min Grade calculator
Install dependent modules from requirements.txt
and the run the file run.py
Front page
Log into HAC through the login form
Final Grade calculator that takes in current grade, weight of final, and target grade.
All Grades Page
Displays grades from every class
The title gives the name of the class as well as the rounded average (rounded to a whole number)
The format for each class is
Title Date Credit Total Grade Type Title of the class Date Due Points Given Total Points Percentage: $$\frac{Credit}{Total}$$ Grade Bracket (Major/Minor/Midterm/Final) Additionally, each class displays the aggregate grades for each grade bracket in
Type Points Total Percent Weight Credit Grade Bracket (Major/Minor/Midterm/Final) Points Given Total Points Percentage: $$\frac{Points}{Total}$$ Weight of the Grade Bracket out of 100 Points given that will be summed to form the final grade
Class Page
Similar to the
All Grades Page
The class page displays course information in the same way
It also provides Extra Grade Tools
Add Grade
Simulates the addition of a grade (out of 100) in a given Grade Bracket
Grade Goal
Visually adds grades to the course information display to show the user the maximum or minimum grade needed for a target grade goal
e.g. Target grade is 97, which will require 2 100% on Minor Grades and 1 98% on a Minor Grade
e.g. Target grade is 70, which will require at least a 62% on the next Test (Major Grade)
*Does store login information