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Repo for Livetree's smart contracts that form the basis for #Collective

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Livetree #Collective Smart Contracts

Hashtag NFT Collective Documentation & Specification

Author Ashley Turing
Status Initial Commit
Created 2021-12-27


Livetree’s Hashtag NFT Collective suite of 11 smart contracts are a result of many years of work to realise the ambition of decentralizing social networks. The ultimate goal is to empower creators to earn more and collectively address some of the world’s most challenging problems, from climate change, global inequality to empowering musicians, artists, activists and educators to escape the middlemen who restrict earnings and creativity. This repo contains the smart contracts that together define a #Collective. A collective can be thought of as a DAO with extended functionality specifically tailored to maximise income for creators and provide a fundamental paradigm shift in how social networks operate. Our hope by publishing these smart contracts interfaces openly is threefold:

  1. To enable creators to earn more through untapped Web 3.0 income streams, have direct collaborations with their collective’s members and to bring about positive social change
  2. To provide transparency, facilitate functional extensions, address any bugs or security concerns through the open-source community
  3. To eventually facilitate creators the ability to switch to different providers, such as, a different social network other than Livetree via their own decentralised wallet completely without intervention from Livetree. This empowers users and provides a new level of control over social posts and extends the earning capabilities of their social posts to be extended across potentially multiple social networks, as royalties for social posts can be accumulated from multiple websites into the same decentralised collective.

The smart contracts contain several innovations in their design and architecture and are detailed in the specification.


Technically the smart contracts address a number of functional “deficiencies” relating to NFTs (both 1155 and 741 standards, referred to as NFTs in this document) while remaining backward compatible. The smart contracts, which combined form the #Collective structure, have been designed to specifically try to address the following:

  1. Royalty Treasury: NFTs today have no standard way to collect and pay out royalties. Some attempts have been made in the form of marketplace sales, however, existing standards only accommodate royalties to be paid for the sale of the NFT, provision for continual royalties to be paid along with flexibility to accommodate multiple royalty payout structures is notably missing e.g. to collect royalties from associated ticket sales, pay-per-view videos and so on. Building on extensive experience within the complex royalty structures of film and TV we realised that trying to enforce specific rules for royalties would not be sufficient, a more flexible approach is needed with a simple interface to support the deposit and payout with the ability to manage collections of royalties not only relating to NFTs but also wider creator potential income streams. For this reason, we have proposed a new EIP standard that facilitates the collection of royalties from a number of different sources. In its initial deployment this increases the earning capabilities for creators and extends earning capabilities to any number of social networks, NFT marketplaces or other websites. Eventually we foresee the treasury being flexible enough to accommodate a range of royalties from cinema tickets to merchandise sales.

  2. Governance: once the treasury accumulates how it should be governed, this builds on standard DAO Openzepplin governor and adds extensions for specific proposal types.

  3. Fractional Ownership: Being able to own a percentage stake of the Treasury and the underlying one or more NFT assets. The #Collective has 1 million membership ERC20 fungible tokens which implement IERC20Votable so they can be used for governance. These membership coins can also be redeemed against the Treasury, in which case they are destroy and the percentage share of the Treasury is paid out.

  4. Unique Addressing NFT: In our case, each hashtag needs to be unique, however, much as with all other aspects of this EIP it can be used in many different ways. This is built on the Crypto-Naming-Service (CNS). Hash-tagging (#) media has become a defacto standard across Web 2.0 social networks for not only garnering support (e.g. #BLM, etc) but also more covert surveillance techniques. The introduction of a decentralised hashtag helps harness the power of media in a decentralised enables creators to earn from posts tagged with their #Collective’s name.

  5. Machine learning support: specifically governance, viewing statistics and enhanced metadata

  6. Legal License and creative copyright: Managing the complexity in legal and copyright licensing

  7. Guild management: Although not in the initial deployment, eventually, we envision enabling assets to be lent out and re-claimed if and when certain conditions are met.

The #Collective smart contracts are defined as several interfaces that extend the ERC20 standard providing the functionality described above 7 points.

Migration of a #Collective to another social network

The design is to maximize the flexibility and resolve around the name of the collective.

  • [Step1] #Name Resolution
    Resolves the name of the collective using the HashtagNFTCollectiveResolver.
    By using the ResolveURI function of the HashtagNFTCollectiveResolver contract, you can get the collective’s ERC20 token(HashtagNFTCollectiveManager) address.

  • [Step 2] Royalty Deposit Deposits royalties for a particular collective using the HashtagNFTCollectiveTreasury.
    By using the DepositRoyalty function of the HashtagNFTCollectiveTreasury contract, you can deposit royalties for the collective(HashtagNFTCollectiveManager) - the address you’ve got on the [Step1].

  • [Step 3] Migration to another Social Network Owner of the collective would transfer ownership of the collective (collective’s contract) to Social Network X.
    HashtagNFTCOllectiveManager, HashtagNFTCollectiveBuyInManager, HashtagNFTCollectiveERC721.

  • [Step 4] Upgrade migrated collective’s contracts You can upgrade the contracts of the collective you’ve upgraded in the [Step 3].


# Smart Contract Description Interacts with
1 HashtagNFTCollectiveTreasury The royalty manager for all collectives minted.
It collates royalties paid to the projects & facilities royalty cashout for project stakeholders.
HashtagNFTCollectiveManager: collates royalties paid into projects for stakeholders access.
HashtagNFTCollectiveGovernor: provides interface for requestClaimRoyalty proposals, enabling withdrawal of royalties to vetted receiver’s address.
2 HashtagNFTCollectiveFactoryProxy Factory for NFT & respective collectives. HashtagNFTCollectiveManager: facilitates minting of collective tokens.
HashtagNFTCollectiveBuyInManager: facilitates creation of buy-in offers.
HashtagNFTCollectiveNFTVault: manages the collection’s NFTs.
HashtagNFTCollectiveERC721: facilitates minting of new NFT assets.
3 HashtagNFTCollectiveBuyInManager Manager that enables fractional ownership feature for NFT assets and collectives. HashtagNFTCollectiveManager: represents the fractional ownership of the collective, being transferred between users through buy-in offer make/accept/refund.
4 HashtagNFTCollectiveManager ERC20 token contract which represents the fractional ownership of the collective. HashtagNFTCollectiveBuyInManager: facilitates the transferring collective tokens after buy-in offer is accepted.
HashtagNFTCollectiveGovernor: provides the interface to set buy-out fee and to complete buy-out the collective.
5 HashtagNFTCollectiveNFTVault ERC721Receivable contract which holds the collective’s NFT assets. HashtagNFTCollectiveERC721: provides an interface to transfer a collective’s NFT to the marketplace through governor or collective owner.
6 HashtagNFTCollectiveGovernor Provides DAO functionality for consensus on actions pertaining to the NFT project. HashtagNFTCollectiveTreasury: provides interface to request royalty withdrawal to a specific address.
HashtagNFTCollectiveManager: provides interface to request to set buy-out price of the collective and to complete buy-out the collective.
HashtagNFTCollectiveERC721: provides interface to request to update the copyright license of the collective’s NFTs.
HashtagNFTCollectiveNFTVault: provides interface to request to transfer NFT to the marketplace.
7 HashtagNFTCollectiveERC721 NFT contract for holding assets & legal license data. None
8 HashtagNFTCollectiveResolver Provides Naming resolution functionality to retrieve HashtagNFTCollectiveManager information of HashtagNFTCollectiveERC721 None
9 HashtagNFTCollectiveMarketplace The smart contract used to trade the NFT assets. HashtagNFTCollectiveERC721: facilitates the transferring the NFT to auction winner after the auction ends.
HashtagNFTCollectiveTreasury: facilitates the depositing royalty to the NFT’s collective.


# Function Input / Output Description
1 mint Inputs
MintCollectiveParams memory params(properties explained below)
uint256 itemId - id of the NFT to be minted
uint256 totalSupply - total supply of collective token
uint256 listPrice - deprecated
uint256 fee - deprecated
string erc20TokenName - collective token’s name
string erc20TokenSymbol - collective token’s symbol
string erc20TokenLogoUrl - collective token’s logo url
string nftMediaURL - NFT media URL
string nftMetadataJsonUrl - NFT metadata JSON URL
string nftViewStatsJsonUrl - NFT view stats JSON URL
string nftPictureUrl - NFT picture URL
string nftAppLinkUrl - App link to the NFT
uint256 ownerInitialPercentage - deprecated
uint256 buyerPercentage - deprecated
string branchBuyerUsername - owner branch user name
uint256 buyerItemId - deprecated
string buyerOffer - deprecated
uint256 - number of collectives minted by far
emits Mint event
Provides an interface for users to mint an NFT project & its corresponding collective token (HashtagNFTCollectiveManager), NFT (HashtagNFTCollectiveERC721), NFTVault (HashtagNFTColectiveNFTVault), BuyInManager (CollectiveNFTCollectiveBuyInManager).
2 mintForUser Inputs
MintCollectiveParams memory params
string memory creator - creator branch user name
Provides an interface for backend server to mint an NFT project & related smart contracts on the behalf of the user. Uses mint function. Only backend service can call.
3 transferCollective Inputs
uint256 itemId - Index of the collective to transfer
address newOwner - User address to be the owner of the collective
Transfer collective (minted by backend server) to the new owner. Only backend service call call.
4 mintNFT Inputs
MintItemParams calldata params(properties explained below)
uint256 itemId - id of the NFT to be minted
string erc20TokenName - ERC20 token name of the collective of the NFT to be minted in
string erc20TokenSymbol - ERC20 token symbol of the collective for the NFT to be minted in
string nftMetadataJsonUrl - NFT metadata JSON URL
string nftViewStatsJsonUrl - NFT view stats JSON URL
string nftPictureUrl - NFT Picture URL
string nftAppLink - App link to the NFT
emits MintNFT event
Provides an interface for the users to mint an NFT in the collective.
5 ImportExistingNfts Inputs
address[] calldata contracts - Addray of the existing NFT contracts to import
uint256[] tokenIds - Ids of the existing NFTs to import
uint256 - number of collectives minted by far
Import existing NFTs by using NFT contract addresses and ids.
6 setContractAddresses Inputs
_address settings - settings logic address
address manager - collective token logic address
_address nftVault - NFTVault logic address
address timelockController - timelock controller logic address
_address governor - governor logic address
Sets the logic contract address of settings, collective token, nft vault, timelock controller, governor.
Only owner can call.
7 setContractVersions Inputs
_uint256[] calldata contractVersions - array of the versions of the logic contracts
Sets the logic contract versions - settings, collective token, nft vault, timelock controller, governor.
Only owner can call.
8 setGovernorSettings Inputs
_uint256 _votingPeriod - default voting period
_uint256 _proposalThreshold - default proposal threshold
_uint256 _nftDefaultLicenseURL - default copyright license URL for NFTs
Sets the governor settings (voting period, proposal threshold, default copyright license URL).
Only owner can call.
9 userTokenExists
address user - user wallet address
string memory name - collective token name
string memory symbol - collective token symbol
bool, uint256 - returns index in the user's NFT list, [true, index] if exists, [false, 0] if not exists.
Check if the user owns the collective
10 setResolver Inputs
_address resolver - resolver contract address
Sets the resolver contract address.
Only owner can call.
11 setSeedCToken Inputs
_address token - SEDC token address
Sets the SEDC token address.
Only owner can call.
12 setAssetCount Inputs
uint256 count - NFT count of the collective
uint256 itemId - NFT item id
Sets the NFT count of the collective where item exists.
Only owner can call.
13 pauseCollective Inputs
_address manager - collective ERC20 token address
_bool paused - true to pause, false to unpause
Pause / Unpause a specific collective.
Only owner can call.
14 isCollectivePaused
_address manager - collective's ERC20 token address
_uint256 version - latest contract version the collective should be
_uint256 contractIndex - index of the logic contract(e.g. 0 for treasury)
Returns false if the factory or collective is paused or contract needs to be upgraded.
15 pause Inputs
Pause the factory proxy contract.
Only owner can call.
16 unpause Inputs
Unpause the factory proxy contract.
Only owner can call.


# Function Input / Output Description
1 setAutosaleSEDCSettings Inputs
_uint256 autoSaleRatioNumerator - collective token/SEDC conversion ratio numerator
_uint256 autoSaleRatioDenominator - collective token/SEDC conversion ratio denominator
_uint256 autoSaleLimit - Collective token amount that can be auto sold using SEDC token
Sets the SEDC auto sale conversion ratio and auto sale limit.
Only collective curator can call.
2 makeBuyInOffer
_string memory offerId - Buy-in offer id generated on the backend side
_uint256 buyAmount - Collective token amount user wants to buy
_uint256 offerAmount - native/SEDC/ERC20 token amount user offers
_uint256 expiry - Buy-in offer’s expiry timestamp
_uint256 offerToken - ERC20 token address user wants to pay, 0 for native
emits MakeBuyInOffer event
Provides interface to make an offer to buy-in collective tokens by using native token / ERC20 / SEDC token. Holds the offer token.
The buy-in offer is automatically accepted by the collective owner and transfers collective tokens to the buyer if offer token is SEDC.
3 acceptBuyInOffer Inputs
_string memory offerId - Buy-in offer id to accept
emits AcceptBuyInOffer event
Provides interface to accept a buy-in offer. Transfers the offer token to the seller(who accepted the buyin offer), transfers collective tokens from the seller to the buyer.
4 refundBuyInOffer Inputs
_string memory offerId - Buy-in offer id to withdraw
emits RefundBuyInOffer event
Provides interface to withdraw an expired buy-in offer. Transfers the offer token back to the buyer.


# Function Input / Output Description
1 mint Inputs
_uint256 supply - Number of collective tokens to mint
Mints collective tokens for the curator of the collective.
Only backend server wallet can call.
2 mintGovernor Inputs
address - Governor contract address deployed
Deploys the timelock controller and governor contracts for the collective.
Only factory proxy contract can call.
3 transferCollectiveTokens Inputs
_address seller - Seller address of the buy-in offer (who accepted it)
_address buyer - Buyer address of the buy-in offer(who made it)
uint256 exchangeAmount - Number of the collective tokens to transfer
Transfers the exchange amount of collective tokens from buyer to seller.
Only collective's buy-in manager contract can call.
4 setBuyOutAmount Inputs
uint256 amount - new buy-out fee
emits SetBuyOutAmount event
Sets the buy-out fee of the collective.
Only collective's governor contract can call.
5 buyOut
_address _buyer - address of the buyer
emits BuyOut event
Buys out the collective - get the ownership of the collective, get the rights ownership of the NFTs. Instead deposts buy-out fee to the treasury.
Only collective's governor contract can call.
6 transferOwnershipTo Inputs
_address newOwner - New owner’s address.
emits TransferOwnershipTo event
Transfers all the collective tokens and the ownership of the collective and NFTs. Can be called only by backend server wallet or factory proxy contract.
7 treasuryBurnAmount Inputs
address burnAddress - Wallet address to burn collective tokens from
uint256 amount - Collective token amount to burn
Burns the user's collective tokens after treasury cash-out.
Only treasury contract can call.
8 setBuyInManager Inputs
_address buyinManager - Buy-in manager contract address
Sets the buy-in manager contract address of the collective after mint.
Only factory proxy can call.


# Function Input / Output Description
1 requestClaimRoyalty Inputs
address receiver - User address to transfer royalty to
uint256 amount - Royalty amount to transfer
string calldata description - Proposal description
uint256 - proposal Id created
Creates a proposal to withdraw royalty amount to the receiver
2 requestSetBuyOutPrice Inputs
uint256 amount - New buy-out price to propose
string calldata description - Proposal description
uint256 - proposal Id created
Creates a proposal to set the buy-out price of the collective
3 requestSetLicense Inputs
string calldata licenseURI - new license file URL
string calldata description - Proposal description
uint256 - proposal Id created
Creates a proposal to set the copyright license of the NFTs in the collective.
4 requestBuyOut
int256 buyoutFee - buyout price buyer willing to pay
string calldata description - Proposal description
uint256 - proposal Id created
Creates a proposal to buy-out the collective.
5 requestSetProposalThreshold Inputs
uint256 newProposalThreshold - new proposal threshold to propose
string calldata description - Proposal description
uint256 - proposal Id created
Creates a proposal to set the proposal of the collective governor.
6 requestUpdateQuorumNumerator Inputs
uint256 newQuorumNumerator - new voting quorum numerator proposed
string calldata description: Proposal description
uint256 - proposal Id created
Creates a proposal to set the voting quorum numerator of the collective governor.
7 requestNFTSale Inputs
address nftAddress - NFT contract address to set for sale
uint256 itemId - NFT item id to set for sale
string calldata description - Proposal description
Outputsuint256 proposal Id created
Creates a proposal to set the NFT for sale
8 refundBuyoutFee Inputs
uint256 proposalId - Id of the buy-out proposal
Refund the buy-out fee used to make a buy-out proposal.


# Function Input / Output Description
1 createCollectible Inputs
_string memory mediaURL - media URL
uint256 itemId - NFT item Id
string memory metadataJsonUrl
string memory viewStatJsonUrl
string memory picUrl
string memory appLinkUrl
string memory defaultLicenseURL
uint256 - minted NFT Id
Mints an NFT with given arguments.
2 wrapToken Inputs
address from - owner address
uint256 tokenId - NFT Id
uint256 - minted NFT Id
Wrap an existing NFT - mint a new NFT from the existing one and transfer the existing NFT to the NFT contract.
3 unwrapToken Inputs
uint256 tokenId - NFT Id to unwrap
Unwrap an imported NFT - burn the NFT and transfer the imported NFT to the NFT vault.
Only NFT vault contract can call.
4 setWrappedTokenURI Inputs
address from - deprecated
_uint256tokenId: NFT item Id
Set the tokenURI of the NFT.
5 setRoyalties Inputs
uint256[] memory tokenIds - Array of NFT item Id
uint256 royalties - Array of the royalties for each NFT item
Set the royalties for NFT items
6 royaltyInfo
_uint256 tokenId - NFT item Id
_uint256 salePrice - NFT sale price
Get the royalty payment information of the NFT item.
7 setRightsOwner Inputs
_address rightsOwner - rights owner address to be set
Set the rights ower of the NFT contract, rights owner is the receiver of the royalties.
8 getRightsOwner
address - rights owner address
Retrieves the rights owner of the NFT contract.
9 setLicense Inputs
string memory url - new license file URL
Sets the copyright license of the NFT contract.
10 getLicenseInfo
string[] - current license info(URL and timestamp)
string[]][] license history
Retrieves the current copyright license and the history.
11 setManager Inputs
_address manager - collective token contract address
Sets the collective token contract address.
12 setNFTVault Inputs
_address nftVault - collective NFT vault contract address
Sets the collective's NFT vault contract address.
13 setGovernor Inputs
_address governor - collective governorcontract address
Sets the collective's governor address.


# Function Input / Output Description
1 startNFTAuction Inputs
_address nftAddress - NFT contract address for auction
_uint256 itemId - NFT item id for auction
_uint256 proposalId - proposal Id - 0 if not through the collective's governor
uint256 - auction id created
emits StartNFTAuction event
Initiate an auction for the NFT.
2 endNFTAuction Inputs
_uint256 auctionId - auction id to end
_AuctionState closingState - either ClosedNoWinner or ClosedWithWinner
_uint256 _winner bid id
emits EndNFTAuction event
Ends the NFT auction.
3 auctionState
_uint256 auctionId - auction id to end
AuctionState - state of the auction
Returns the state of the auction.
4 placeBid
_uint256 auctionId - Id of the auction to place bid on
_address bidToken - bid token address
_uint256 bidAmount - amount of the bid token
emits PlaceBid event
Provides an interface to place a bid to the auction.
5 auctionBidCount
_uint256 auctionId - auction Id
uint256 - number of bids on the auction
Retrieves the number of bids on the NFT auction.
6 auctionBidList
_uint256 auctionId - auction Id
AuctionBid[] - list of the bids on the auction
Retrieves the list of bids on the NFT auction
7 refundBid Inputs
_uint256 auctionId - auction Id
_uint256 bidId - Id of the bid to refund
emits RefundBid event
Provides an interface to refund the bid.
8 transferNFTToWinner Inputs
_uint256 auctionId: auction Id
_uint256 bidId - win bid Id
_address winner - auction winner address to transfer the NFT
emits TransferNFTToWinner event
Provides an interface to transfer the NFT to the auction winner.


Repo for Livetree's smart contracts that form the basis for #Collective






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