-✅ web Application Develpoment
-✅ UI/UX Development (Tailwind,Bootstrap)
-✅ Software Development Beginner (java)
-✅ Php Backend Develpoer
-✅ MySQL
-✅ Business analytics
🏆 Successfully completed projects
-✨Developed a fully functional e-commerce website using html/css/tailwind/js/php/MySQL
🎯Ongoing projects
-✨Research is underway to create an eco-friendly garbage can using Robotics and Micro-organisms
- 🌱 I’m currently learning java and Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with Software developers
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love to draw , singing and I am traditional dancer.
- 👀 I’m interested in learning new things