pipeline { agent any
environment {
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
echo 'fetch the source code....'
// Add your build commands here
stage('Test Unit and Integrtion Tests') {
steps {
echo 'Unit test and Integration test'
// Add your test commands here
post {
always {
emailext body: "Test stage finished: ${currentBuild.result}", subject: "Test Stage ${currentBuild.result}", to: "[email protected]", attachmentsPattern: "**/*.log"
stage('Code Analysis') {
steps {
echo 'Check the quality of the code...'
// Add your code quality check commands here
stage('Security scan') {
steps {
echo ' perform a security scan on the code using a tool to identify
any vulnerabilities' // Add your deployment to staging commands here } } stage('Deploy to Staging') { steps { // Add your deployment to staging commands here echo 'deploy the application to a staging server' } } stage('Integration Tests on Staging') { steps { echo 'run integration tests on the staging environment to ensure the application functions as expected in a production-like environment.' // Add your deployment to staging commands here } } stage('Deploy to Production'){ steps { echo 'deploy the application to a production server' // Add your deployment to production commands here } } } }