Important: Docker service required
docker-compose up
yarn typeorm migration:run
yarn seed:admin
yarn test
Functional requirements
- Should be able to register new users to database.
Functional requirements
- Should be able to authenticate the user and generate a token
Functional requirements
- Should be able to consult the requested stock
Functional requirements
- Should be able to consult the access history by user
Functional requirements
- The Super User should be able to consult the total amount per stock
Functional requirements
- Should be able to request a password recovery. Should send a e-mail with a token to reset the current password Ps: If you do not receive the email, you can see the link on the console that will take you to the screen with the token. Example: api-service | Preview URL:
Functional requirements
- Should update the password with the token authorization given in step "Forgot Password"