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Nathaniel Webb edited this page Feb 10, 2021 · 10 revisions

General Information

The -QueryParameters Parameter is used when appending filters,sorting,paging limits and more to a GET method API call. When used effectively, these can be a powerful way to return only the data you want.

As a best practice, consider the type of information you want to receive and include it as a shaping parameter. If all you need is a computer name and/or ID, include the query parameter ?shaping=machine limited. You can still filter on additional criteria, but performance is improved by not retrieving useless fields.

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit our FAQ page for common questions and tips.

Help Docs

Located in the /docs folder 😄

Query Parameter Examples


get machines that have fully encrypted bitlocker volumes:

"?shaping=machine limited&filtering=machine_bitlocker_volume.conversion_status eq fully encrypted"

get machines with the software title 'arduino' installed:

"? eq arduino"

get machines belonging to the smart label D - SmartLabel - Test

"?shaping=machine all&paging=limit ALL& eq D - SmartLabel - Test"

get the registry uninstall strings for all Software Inventory products whose name contains 'vmware'

"?paging=limit ALL&shaping=software ALL& co vmware"


return additional ticket information

"?shaping= hd_ticket all,status limited,owner limited,submitter limited,category limited"
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