HotspotHousing is a website aimed at giving you a convenient overview of the latest offers by ImmobilienScout ( The most popular flat website in Germany ) for Berlin, Hamburg and Munich.
The offers are being updated bi- to triweekly, because I can not go beyond the free-tier of the LocationIQ-API unfortunately. Among other statistics, you can take a look at how a flat's price compares to the mean price in the area it is located in, coupled with a general overview of the most expensive to least expensive areas.
The Scraper I have built for this website can be found here.
The primary motivation for this project, apart from learning and gaining experience, was the flat shortage in Germany, especially in the metropolises. I noticed this especially when I had to move from a smaller city to a big city like Berlin in order to study. By providng a convenient visual overview of the available flats on ImmobilienScout for the 3 biggest cities, accompanied by a bunch of crucial additional information you can use to quickly decide if the flat you are looking at fits your needs, I am hoping to render someone's searching for a new flat at least a little bit easier.
|-- Flat_Crawler_Django # main-app
|-- flats_api # sub-app
|-- flats_statistics # sub-app
|-- flats_map # sub-app
|-- # driver script for django
|-- static # contains css files
|-- templates # contains html files
|-- scripts # contains python scripts to make sense of scraped data
|-- tests # contains tests
- For Scraping: Scrapy
- For Map Generation: Folium
- For Chart Generation: Chart.js
- For GeoData: LocationIQ
- For Deployment: Docker
- Python >=3.7
With PyCharm:
- PyCharm >=2019.0.0
$ git clone
- Open the project with PyCharm and click on the attached Terminal on the bottom.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python runserver
- Open
Without PyCharm:
$ git clone
$ cd HotspotHousingGermany
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 runserver
- Open