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added openms license #40

added openms license

added openms license #40

name: Test streamlit executable for Windows with embeddable python
branches: [ "main" ]
runs-on: windows-latest
APP_NAME: OpenMS-StreamlitTemplateApp-Test
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Download python embeddable version
run: |
mkdir python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
curl -O${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}/python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
unzip python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }} -d python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
rm python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
- name: Install pip
run: |
curl -O
./python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}/python --no-warn-script-location
- name: Uncomment 'import site' in python311._pth file
run: |
sed -i 's/#import site/import site/' python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}/python311._pth
- name: Print content of python311._pth file
run: |
cat python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}/python311._pth
- name: Install Required Packages
run: .\python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}\python -m pip install -r requirements.txt --no-warn-script-location
- name: Create All-in-one executable folder
run: |
mkdir streamlit_exe
mv python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }} streamlit_exe
cp -r src streamlit_exe
cp -r content streamlit_exe
cp -r docs streamlit_exe
cp -r assets streamlit_exe
cp -r example-data streamlit_exe
cp -r .streamlit streamlit_exe
cp streamlit_exe
cp settings.json streamlit_exe
cp default-parameters.json streamlit_exe
- name: Generate Readme.txt
run: |
echo "Welcome to ${{ env.APP_NAME }}!" > streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "To launch the application:" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "1. Navigate to the installation directory." >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "2. Double-click on the file: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}.bat or ${{ env.APP_NAME }} shortcut." >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "Additional Information:" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "- If multiple Streamlit apps are running, you can change the port in the .streamlit/config.toml file." >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo " Example:" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo " [server]" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo " port = 8502" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "Need Help?" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "- Join our Discord server for support and community discussions:" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
echo "Thank you for using ${{ env.APP_NAME }}!" >> streamlit_exe/Readme.txt
- name: Install WiX Toolset
run: |
curl -LO
unzip -d wix
- name: build .wxs for streamlit_exe folder
run: |
./wix/heat.exe dir streamlit_exe -gg -sfrag -sreg -srd -template component -cg StreamlitExeFiles -dr INSTALLFOLDER -out streamlit_exe_files.wxs
- name: Prepare SourceDir
run: |
mkdir SourceDir
mv streamlit_exe/* SourceDir
cp assets/openms_license.rtf SourceDir
cp assets/openms.ico SourceDir
- name: Generate WiX XML file
run: |
echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>' > streamlit_exe.wxs
echo '<Wix xmlns="">' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Product Id="*" Name="${{ env.APP_NAME }}" Language="1033" Version="" Manufacturer="OpenMS" UpgradeCode="8d28e8c7-45dc-446c-b889-99a6aea2f1a5">' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Package InstallerVersion="500" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine"/>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
# Folder used
echo ' <Property Id="WIXUI_INSTALLDIR" Value="INSTALLFOLDER" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Property Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Secure="yes" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="StreamlitApp" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' </Directory>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' </Directory>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
# Add component
echo ' <Feature Id="MainFeature" Title="Main Application" Level="1">' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <ComponentGroupRef Id="StreamlitExeFiles" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <ComponentRef Id="DesktopShortcutComponent" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <ComponentRef Id="InstallDirShortcutComponent" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' </Feature>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
# Create shortcut for run App on Desktop
echo ' <Component Id="DesktopShortcutComponent" Guid="3597b243-9180-4d0b-b105-30d8b0d1a334" Directory="DesktopFolder">' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Shortcut Id="DesktopShortcut" Name="${{ env.APP_NAME }}" Description="Launch ${{ env.APP_NAME }}" Target="[INSTALLFOLDER]${{ env.APP_NAME }}.bat" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLFOLDER" Icon="AppIcon"/>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="Software\OpenMS\${{ env.APP_NAME }}" Name="DesktopShortcut" Type="integer" Value="1" KeyPath="yes" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' </Component>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
# Create shortcut for run App in Installer folder
echo ' <Component Id="InstallDirShortcutComponent" Guid="c2df9472-3b45-4558-a56d-6034cf7c8b72" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Shortcut Id="InstallDirShortcut" Name="${{ env.APP_NAME }}" Description="Launch ${{ env.APP_NAME }}" Target="[INSTALLFOLDER]${{ env.APP_NAME }}.bat" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLFOLDER" Icon="AppIcon"/>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="Software\OpenMS\${{ env.APP_NAME }}" Name="InstallFolderShortcut" Type="integer" Value="1" KeyPath="yes" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' </Component>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
# Provide icon here, should exists in SourceDir folder
echo ' <Icon Id="AppIcon" SourceFile="SourceDir/openms.ico" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
# Create Bat file during installtion
echo ' <CustomAction Id="CreateBatFile" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Execute="deferred" Return="check"' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' ExeCommand="cmd.exe /c echo @echo off &gt; [INSTALLFOLDER]${{ env.APP_NAME }}.bat &amp;&amp; echo [INSTALLFOLDER]python-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}\\python.exe -m streamlit run [INSTALLFOLDER] local &gt;&gt; [INSTALLFOLDER]${{ env.APP_NAME }}.bat" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
# Run app directly after installation
echo ' <CustomAction Id="RunApp" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Execute="deferred" Return="asyncNoWait"' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' ExeCommand="cmd.exe /c &quot;[INSTALLFOLDER]${{ env.APP_NAME }}.bat&quot;" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
# Run Bat file during uninstallation
echo ' <CustomAction Id="RemoveBatFile" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" Execute="deferred" Return="ignore"' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' ExeCommand="cmd.exe /c del /f /q [INSTALLFOLDER]${{ env.APP_NAME }}.bat&quot;" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
# Add all Custom action
echo ' <InstallExecuteSequence>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Custom Action="CreateBatFile" After="InstallFiles">NOT REMOVE</Custom>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Custom Action="RunApp" Before="InstallFinalize">NOT REMOVE</Custom>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <Custom Action="RemoveBatFile" Before="RemoveFiles">REMOVE="ALL"</Custom>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' </InstallExecuteSequence>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <UI>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' </UI>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
# Provide license should exists in SourceDir folder
echo ' <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="SourceDir/openms_license.rtf" />' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo ' </Product>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
echo '</Wix>' >> streamlit_exe.wxs
- name: Build msi
run: |
./wix/candle.exe streamlit_exe.wxs streamlit_exe_files.wxs
./wix/light.exe -ext WixUIExtension -sice:ICE60 -o ${{ env.APP_NAME }}.msi streamlit_exe_files.wixobj streamlit_exe.wixobj
- name: Archive build artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}
path: |
${{ env.APP_NAME }}.msi