It is a basic example of OpenCV's deep neural network (DNN) module for face detection in real-time using a pre-trained model.
- Initially starts with importing libraries and setting up the camera window.
- Setting some model parameters (You can change them accordingly) then implementing the Face detection with a trained model taken from a pre-trained face detection model from two files: deploy.prototxt (which defines the model architecture) and res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel (which contains the trained weights).
- Along with the bounding box, it also displays the Confidence percent.
- Finally, it releases the video source and closes the OpenCV window when the ESC key is pressed. Note: The script uses the '27' key (ESC key) as the exit condition from the main loop. Pressing the ESC key will terminate the script and close the window.