The user community where you win by caring about your city. Explore your city and warn about the issues in your surroundings. Be actively engaged by supporting other citizens so that your local institutions can resolve them. In addition, you will get rewards for your commitment!
Civify was a group project for Software Engineering Project at UPC BarcelonaTech - Barcelona School of Informatics done by seven students (@dsegoviat, @sergiosanchis, @IvanDeMingo, @Alcasser, @carleslc, @ricardfos & @ArnauBlanch).
- Users registration, login & password recovery
- User profile with issues,
- Issues map, issues feed, details page (with confirm, mark as resolved & report), creation, updates, share link to Civify's web
- Achievements and events: see available ones and its info & completition status and claim its reward
- Rewards: see all offered rewards, see my rewards (exchanged & unexchanged), get QR code to exchange it at a shop
- Multi-language support
This Android app was developed using Java, Android SDK, Retrofit & Google Maps API. It interacted with the Civify API and had links to Civify web. It was tested using JUnit, Mockito, PowerMock, Robolectric and Espresso.