Cuckoo Sandbox. auto install script
Cuckoo Sandbox is a malware analysis system.
It means that you can throw any suspicious file at it and get a report with details about the file's behavior inside an isolated environment.
We created this at Buguroo Offensive Security initially to make the painful cuckoo installation quicker, easier and painless
Most of this script is not distro dependant (tough of course you've got to run it on GNU/Linux), but package installation, at this moment supports only debian derivatives.
Also, given that we use the propietary virtualbox version (most of the time OSE edition doesn't fulfill our needs), this script requires that they've got a debian repo in Virtualbox Downloads for your distro. Forcing the distro in config file should make it work in unsupported ones.
David Reguera García - Dreg - [email protected] - @fr33project
David Francos Cuartero - XayOn - [email protected] - @davidfrancos
- Clone this repo & execute the script: bash cuckooautoinstall.bash
If you trust us, your network setup and a lot of more variables enough (wich is totally not-recommended) and you're as lazy as it gets, you can execute as a normal user if you've got sudo configured:
wget -O - | bash
The script does accept a configuration file in the form of a simple bash script with options such as:
SUDO="sudo" TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) RELEASE=$(lsb_release -cs) CUCKOO_USER="cuckoo" CUSTOM_PKGS="" ORIG_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) VOLATILITY_URL="" VIRTUALBOX_REP="deb $RELEASE contrib" CUCKOO_REPO='' YARA_REPO="" JANSSON_REPO="" LOG=$(mktemp) UPGRADE=false
You can override any of these variables in the config file.
It accepts parameters
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ CuckooAutoInstall 0.2 │ │ David Reguera García - Dreg <[email protected]> │ │ David Francos Cuartero - XayOn <[email protected]> │ │ Buguroo Offensive Security - 2015 │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Usage: cuckooautoinstall.bash [--verbose|-v] [--help|-h] [--upgrade|-u] --verbose Print output to stdout instead of temp logfile --help This help menu --upgrade Use newer volatility, yara and jansson versions (install from source)
For most setups, --upgrade is recommended always.
- Add a password (as root) for the user 'cuckoo' created by the script
passwd cuckoo
- Create the virtual machines or import virtual machines
VBoxManage import virtual_machine.ova
- Add to the virtual machines with HostOnly option using vboxnet0
vboxmanage modifyvm “virtual_machine" --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet0
- Configure cuckoo ( )
- Execute cuckoo
cd ~cuckoo/cuckoo python
- Execute also webpy (default port 8080)
cd ~cuckoo/cuckoo/utils python
- Execute also django using port 6969
cd ~cuckoo/cuckoo/web python runserver
- Installs by default Cuckoo sandbox with the ALL optional stuff: yara, ssdeep, django ...
- Installs the last versions of ssdeep, yara, pydeep-master & jansson.
- Solves common problems during the installation: ldconfigs, autoreconfs...
- Installs by default virtualbox and creates the hostonlyif.
- Creates the 'cuckoo' user in the system and it is also added this user to vboxusers group.
- Enables mongodb in conf/reporting.conf
- Creates the iptables rules and the ip forward to enable internet in the cuckoo virtual machines
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -i vboxnet0 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
Enables run tcpdump from nonroot user
sudo apt-get -y install libcap2-bin sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/sbin/tcpdump
Fixes the "TEMPLATE_DIRS setting must be a tuple" error when running python from the DJANGO version >= 1.6. Replacing in web/web/
TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( "templates" )
TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( ("templates"), )
For this, we recommend supervisor usage.
Install supervisor
sudo apt-get install supervisor
Edit /etc/supervisor/conf.d/cuckoo.conf , like
[program:cuckoo] command=python directory=/home/cuckoo User=cuckoo [program:cuckoo-web] command=python directory=/home/cuckoo/utils user=cuckoo [program:cuckoo-api] command=python directory=/home/cuckoo/utils user=cuckoo
Reload supervisor
sudo supervisorctl reload
As you probably have already noticed, iptables rules don't stay there after a reboot. If you want to make them persistent, we recommend iptables-save & iptables-restore
iptables-save > your_custom_iptables_rules iptables-restore < your_custom_iptables_rules
You may want to read:
- Remote - Enabling remote administration of VMS and VBox
- OVA - Working with OVA images
- Antivm How to deal with malware that has VM detection techniques
- VMcloak VMCloak - Cuckoo windows virtual machines management
- Improve documentation
This project is licensed as GPL3+ as you can see in "LICENSE" file. All pull requests are welcome, having in mind that:
- The scripting style must be compliant with the current one
- New features must be in sepparate branches (way better if it's git-flow =) )
- Please, check that it works correctly before submitting a PR.
We'd probably be answering to PRs in a 7-14 day period, please be patient.