New APIs:
Revised downloadPdf to open the document in a new tab in iOS
Only warn about the file extension not being determined if the engine type is AUTO
Revised note button on annotation popup so that free text annotation content may be editted easily in mobile devices
Added disable websockets argument for webviewer server
Added dutch translation
Show feedback about processing pages immediately after pressing print button
Among the document and worker loading, progress modal now shows min value
Added includeComments in print modal (#106)
Retain tool style after user refreshed the page (#127)
Fixed issue where wrong error message is displaying when fail to find the xod file to load. Also make coding style consistent in setupMIMETypeTest.js
Fixed issue with header items remounting more than necessary
Fixed issue where annotations aren't being loaded from serverURL for office documents
Fixed where current page number is cut off on the side in Edge
Fixed where button groups of null or empty string was showing up in ToolsOverlay
Fixed issue where document path with no extension was throwing an error
Fixed issue where dragging an annotation in single page mode may result in a page change
Fixed issue with updateAnnotationPermission events triggering when document is unloaded and annotation was previously selected
Fixed issue where -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch causes document flickering when reached boundary
Fixed issue where PDF mime-type was not detected for blob