This project is the placeholder for the next generation of ETSMobile currently available for Android. ETSMobile is first and foremost the main way between the user and the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) on mobile devices. It offers:
- Access to evaluation grades
- Access to the student's schedules
- And many more...
Note: This guide is available in: Français
- Git
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Android Studio
This application uses an architecture based on the Android Architecture Components (AAC). Specifically, it uses the following components:
You can find out more by visiting the wiki.
This project uses a variety of libraries and tools.
- Android Support Libraries : A set of libraries that provide features that are unavailable in the the standard framework as well as backward compatibility classes for newer APIs.
- AppCompat v7
- Design
- Support v4
- CardView
- RecyclerView
- ConstraintLayout
- AOSP Codes
- Android Architecture Components : A collection of libraries that help developers design robust, testable, and maintainable apps.
- Kotlin : Computer language used for the development of this project
- JUnit : Unit testing framework
- Mockito : Testing framework that allows the creation of mock objects
- MockWebServer : Library for simulating HTTP responses
- Glide : Library for loading and caching images
- Dagger2 : Dependency injection framework
- Moshi : Library for parsing JSON into Java objects
- Retrofit2 : Type-safe HTTP client
- Material Design Dimens : Library containing default colors and dimensions per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines
- LeakCanary : A memory leak detection library
- Ktlint Gradle : Wrapper plugin over the ktlint project. Ktlint provides rules that enforce coding standards.
- And more...
This projet is licensed under the Apache License V2.0. See the LICENSE file for more info.