OpenEyes is provided under an A-GPL3 license and all terms of that license apply. Use of the OpenEyes software or code is entirely at your own risk. Neither Moorfields Eye Hospital, ABEHR Digital Ltd, nor the OpenEyes Foundation accept any responsibility for loss or damage to any person, property or reputation as a result of using the software or code. No warranty is provided by any party, implied or otherwise. This software and code is not guaranteed safe to use in a clinical environment and you should make your own assessment on the suitability for such use.
OpenEyes Version
Release Date
OpenEyes version 1.18.1 contains a number of new features, improvements and fixes.
Key benefits / Executive summary:
This release provides the following key benefits:
New Features:
- VTE assessment details on Operation Note.
- System setting to disable theatre diaries for trusts using external booking systems.
- Invoicing details for optometrist examinations.
- Ability to tag medications with attributes.
- Correspondence shortcodes for clinic outcome, cataract surgical management and glaucoma management plan.
- Include optometrist address on examinations, and send messages to surgeon not firm.
The following is a breakdown of each individual change made in this release. This log is for reference only and not intended for non-technical audiences.
The change log is grouped by the following categories:
- New Features – A feature or function that did not exist prior to this release
- Improvements – A change or enhancement to a feature/function that was released in a previous OpenEyes version
- Bug fixes – A correction to an existing feature/function that was not behaving as originally specified
New Features
The following new features were added in this release:
- [OE-6425] - Capture VTE assessment details on operation note
- [OE-6445] - Ability to tag medications/drugs with attributes (e.g., Type:Anti-coagulant, High-Risk, PreservativeFree, etc)
- [OE-6448] - System setting to disable theatre diaries and enable manual booking confirmation for trusts using external theatre booking systems
- [OE-6467] - Invoicing details for optometrist examinations
The following improvements were made in this release:
- [OE-6459] - Show optometrist Address on Optom Examination Notes
- [OE-6581] - Correspondence shortcode for Clinic Outcome
- [OE-6583] - Correspondence shortcode for Cataract Surgical Management
- [OE-6585] - Correspondence shortcode for glaucoma management plan
- [OE-6606] - Change messages produced via the community optom portal to be sent to surgeon, not 'Firm' Consultant
- [OE-6617] - Add 6/7.5 and 6/9.5 to Snellen Metre VA scale
- [OE-6627] - Dose and Frequency field to be expanded
- [OE-6628] - Make correspondence logo upload menu enabled by default
- [OE-6640] - Make theatre selection mandatory in operation notes and hide sites without theatres
Bug Fixes
The following bugs were fixed in this release:
- [OE-6254] - Theatre diary auditing.
- [OE-6308] - Print event fails when no secondary logo uploaded
- [OE-6418] - Application error when deleting first examination with risks
- [OE-6567] - Potential data loss with hidden flag on workflows
- [OE-6623] - Refraction validation fails when +/- toggled
- [OE-6656] - Warning messages on imported biometry for eye not measured
- [OE-6676] - Portal entry missing the refraction image
- [OE-6684] - UV Pulse Duration database fix
- [OE-6693] - Letter reports not filtering on 'Phrases' field when author specified
- [OE-6695] - Operations report uses created date rather than event date
Known issues
The following is a breakdown of any known issues / bugs that you may experience with this release of OpenEyes. This section should be reviewed before making any decision to install / upgrade to this release of OpenEyes.
New issues
The following issues have been introduced /discovered during this release cycle and will be corrected in a future release:
- [OE-6678] - Correct label in op-note view mode from 'Cataract devices' to 'Agents'
- [OE-6668] - Show warning when viewing examinations with patient-level data that has been superseded by a later event (Not at tip warning)
- [OE-6664] - PCR risk fields not maintained when OpNote saved with validation error
- [OE-6657] - Typo in operation note post-op instruction error
Known issues carried over from previous release
The following issues were known about prior to this release cycle, but have not been fixed. They will be corrected in a future release:
- [OE-6622] - [psp] shortcode errors when principle eye set to 'both'
- [OE-6621] - [asp] shortcode errors when principle eye set to 'both'
- [OE-6592] - Drug Set admin screen shows Eye for null route_id
- [OE-6586] - Duplicate operation bookings created when double-clicking 'Save and schedule now' button
- [OE-6562] - Sideport details text remains after last sideport is removed from cataract operation note
- [OE-6560] - Biometry report linking fails when study time is in the future
- [OE-6558] - Error thrown when cataract operation note saved with no agents
- [OE-6549] - Audit log for patient summary views not logging which patient was viewed
- [OE-6548] - Remove 'Get' in front of correspondence short code names
- [OE-6536] - NOD Export instructions are out of date
- [OE-6531] - IOL Master import issue when data values have modified flags set
- [OE-6528] - Post-op complications shows as 'None' when eye is closed
- [OE-6509] - Cannot set a Glaucoma Management Plan without Target IOP
- [OE-6480] - Cannot edit procedures via admin console that use more than 1 element
- [OE-6438] - CVI Signature capture button only responds to touch on top edge
- [OE-6437] - CVI QR codes not recognised on Android mobile device cameras
- [OE-6436] - Eye draw doodles with gradient fill causing lag on some browsers
- [OE-6421] - MEH PAS: Patient's address showing town name twice
- [OE-6415] - Associated contacts does not respect 'Contact Labels' configured via the admin interface
- [OE-6408] - Remove at in correspondence edit mode when system setting "Enable institution name in address" is set to off
- [OE-6406] - Drag handles for theatre diary ordering do not work on touch-screen devices
- [OE-6403] - OpenEyes error - deleting user account
- [OE-6399] - Patient Merge - support services
- [OE-6398] - Patient Merger
- [OE-6396] - Changes to pupil size in Operation Note PCR Risk calculator do not update eyedraw
- [OE-6395] - Changing pupil size of eyedraw on operation note does not update PCR risk calculator
- [OE-6389] - Admin firm order by subspecialty
- [OE-6368] - Cannot depict location of drusen in eye-draw
- [OE-6363] - Alpha blockers setting not being stored in PCR calculator
- [OE-6354] - TA decision tree - cannot change node type
- [OE-6350] - Examination Dilation drop record uses element load time, not current time
- [OE-6342] - PCR calculator shows glaucoma present in BOTH eyes when only diagnosed for 1 eye
- [OE-6326] - User with "Clerical CVI" access only, cannot save CVI event
- [OE-6317] - CVI - Review foreign keys on _version tables
- [OE-6299] - Theatre whiteboard: error screen on display for bilateral operation
- [OE-6227] - Examination: mandatory elements become non-mandatory on edit of event
- [OE-6210] - Examination: mandatory child elements are collapsible if the parent is not mandatory
- [OE-6206] - Gonioscopy: inconsistent behaviour between basic and expert modes
- [OE-6148] - Add a 'Reprocess later' stage for DICOM files when the resources are inaccessible in DICOM File Watcher
- [OE-6145] - You can edit too much of a medication from a prescription
- [OE-6115] - Glaucoma diagnosis does not save correctly
- [OE-6107] - Eyedraw drop-downs hidden when description exceeds width of canvas
- [OE-6102] - Page numbers on prescriptions and correspondence showing as fractions
- [OE-6096] - Contact and medication spinners show together on patient summary screen
- [OE-6057] - Copy button does not show for Visual Acuity history
- [OE-5702] - Flyouts in Anterior Segment eyedraw show no values or labels in Firefox browser
- [OE-5682] - Diagnoses not populated if diagnosis element opened after eyedraws completed
- [OE-4576] - Theatre Diary: Gracefully handle session timeouts in ajax requests
- [OE-4510] - API access requires User role and Firm rights
- [OE-4377] - FHIR API can produce invalid empty field values.
- [OE-4374] - FHIR: Patient POSTs allows invalid birthdate field values
Deprecated features
Deprecated features are still available, but are no longer recommended / supported. Where a deprecated feature has a recommended replacement, it will be noted below.
The following features have been deprecated in this release:
- None
Retired features:
The following features have been removed in this release and are no longer available:
- None
Upgrade instructions
If you are upgrading from a previous version of OpenEyes, please take account of the below information.
Note that these upgrade instructions assume you are updating from the previously released version. If you are upgrading from an older version, please review upgrade instructions from release notes of all intermediate releases.
These instructions assume that your site is installed at /var/www/openeyes
Note: latest instructions can always be found at http://www.github.com/openeyes/oe_installer
Pre-update steps
- Take a backup of your entire /var/www/openeyes folder (this folder will be deleted later in the process)
- Take a backup of your openeyes database
Update steps
- Clone latest version of the oe_installer repository to a local folder. i.e.,
a. git clone http://github.com/openeyes/oe_installer oe_installer - Run: sudo <oe_installer folder>/install/upgrade-oe.sh
- Read the warning and press ‘y’ if you wish to continue
Post-update steps
- None