The project "Using Efficient sorting algorithm in java to Arrange tax data" will show that how the data can be arranged in ascending order using five different sorting algorithms i.e. Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merge sort and Quick sort.The project will compare the total time taken by each sorting algorithm and check for their efficiencies.
The Project is created on JAVA (Eclipse):
- Eclipse version: 8
To run this project, download folder "final_Project":
1. Open eclipse.
2. import the folder by right click on "file bar".
3. if you do not know the procedure of importing project on java eclipse, then copy this link on youtube :
3. After importing, double click on folder, then click on "src", then click on "projectFinalDS" folder.
4. After clicking on "projectFinalDS" folder, there are two java files. but you only have to open "" file.
5. In the last, Run the file.