My Jekyll site, woohoo! This is the 3rd website design I've had, but hopefully I'll like it enough for it to stay. If I get around to it (lol), I'll write up how this website works in this readme. Using Utterances instead of Disqus. Why? Well, a friend showed me a thirst clickbait scam ad (came from Disqus ads!) on their phone when they went on my website. That's why. Was a bit awkward to see.
Side note: I highly recommend being exposed to at least some discrete maths in your lifetime -- sets, boolean logic, implies, basic proofs. It gives you an understanding of precision, and lets you understand how important definitions are. If you have different definitions, then, you can't undermine someone else's statements.
To execute:
jekyll serve
in console, or bundle exec jekyll serve --port 5000
Stying occurs and gets overridden in custom-styles.scss and custom-variables.scss.
<a href='' class='tooltip'> Test. <span> Hovering over test shows this magic text!! </span> </a>
makes the word 'Test.' hoverable, and upon hover you can see all that hidden text. Good for side tangents.
Projects are stored in the _data/home.yml, and follow this format: project_entries:
- title: Project 1 url: overview-post desc: This is an example project, configured in _data/home.yml
Later, I might have another frontmatter to link to a blog post if it exists, but for now I'll let it just go to github.