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riquedafreak edited this page Mar 3, 2012 · 20 revisions

Herein lies some conventions used throughout the OpenEmu codebase.

This list is by no means exhaustive and quite prototypal as of yet.


  • Braces on their own line
- (void)method
  • Pointer declaration
NSString *myString;
  • Block argument list and types on their own line
int (^blk1)(int) =
^ int (int v)

[someDictionary enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:
 ^ (id key, id obj, BOOL *stop)
  • Caret and curly brace on previous line when there is no block parameters
    // My code
  • Space between caret and block's return parameter list (when no return data-type is specified)
^ (id key, id obj, BOOL *stop)
  • Space between caret and block's return data-type and space between block's return data-type and parameter list
^ int (id key, id obj, BOOL *stop)
  • Use 4 spaces instead of tabs
@interface SomeClass
    int ivar;
  • No spaces between selection and iteration keywords and opening parentheses
  • No spaces between function name and opening parentheses
  • Class ivars and properties should be aligned
@interface SomeClass
    BOOL      shouldCloseFile;
    NSString *description;

@property(nonatomic, strong) NSViewController  *currentContentController;
@property                    BOOL               allowWindowResizing;

  • For NSArray and NSSet variadic list, place each value on its own line
NSArray *someArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:

NSSet *someSet = [NSSet setWithObjects:
  • For NSDictionary place each value and key pair on the same line
NSDictionary *someArray = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                           @"value1", @"key1",
                           @"value2", @"key2",

Naming conventions

  • Class names are CamelCased
@implementation SomeClass
  • Private categories described by empty category, implementation methods placed within main @implementation block
@interface SomeClass()
  • Private methods prefixed with OE_
- (void)OE_privateMethod:(BOOL)value;
  • Use YES and NO


  • Implementation classes should follow this general ordering guideline:

    1. @synthesize
    2. +initialize
    3. -init
    4. -dealloc
    5. Class Methods (+someMethod)
    6. Instance Methods (-someMethod)
    7. Delegate Implementation
    8. Setters / Getters
  • Order methods by tasks

  • Private methods should be close to the public methods that call them

Objective-C 2.0

  • avoid 'dot-syntax'


  • Perfer MAX and MIN macros over if statements, for example:
value = MAX(someCalculations, someValue);

instead of

value = someCalculations;
if(value < someValue) value = someValue;
  • There is no need to use conversion functions like NSRectFromCGRect or NSPointToCGPoint to convert NS-datatypes to CG-datatypes and vice versa.

Code sample

Here you can see a sample class:


#import "someheader.h"

@interface SomeClass
    int  someValue;
    BOOL shouldCloseFile;

    NSString *description;

+ (id)sharedSomeClass;

- (void)method;

@property(strong) IBOutlet OELibraryController *libraryController;

@property(nonatomic, strong) NSViewController  *currentContentController;
@property(nonatomic, strong) NSViewController  *defaultContentController;
@property                    BOOL               allowWindowResizing;

@property(copy) NSArray *deviceHandlers;
@property(copy) NSArray *coreList;



#import "SomeClass.h"

@interface SomeClass ()

- (void)OE_privateMethod;


@implementation SomeClass

@synthesize libraryController;
@synthesize currentContentController, defaultContentController;
@synthesize allowWindowResizing;

+ (void)initialize
	if(self == [SomeClass class])
		// do things

- (id)init
	if((self = [super init]))
		// do things
	return self;

- (void)dealloc
	// do things

+ (id)sharedSomeClass
    static SomeClass       *sharedSomeClass = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t  onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        sharedSomeClass = [[SomeClass alloc] init];
    return sharedSomeClass;

- (void)OE_privateMethod
    // do things

- (void)method
    if(booleanValue && obj != nil)
            [self OE_privateMethod];
        } while(value > 0);

    while(value < 10)
    void (^blk)(void) =
        // do things
    int (^blk1)(int) =
    ^ int (int v)
        // do things

- (void)delegateMethod
	// do things

- (void)setDeviceHandlers:(NSArray *)value
	// do things

- (NSArray *)deviceHandlers
	// do things

- (void)setCoreList:(NSArray *)value
	// do things

- (NSArray *)coreList
	// do things



For more information read Apple's Coding Guidelines for Cocoa, since the project adheres to these.

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