Title: Welcome to Annie Almond's - Web Projects - 2023 Full Stack Bootcamp This project highlights the first part of my web programming training using HTML & CSS to express myself through a short profile.
I have highlighted my Beekeeping hobby as the topic for a few of my projects. I currently have 4 Bee-Hives in my backyard and prefer to use my own photography to tell a story about living with Bees. To prepare the portfolio wireframe I sketched out on paper the connections I wanted to include. My portfolio highlights my experience with Techlahoma training. We meet at the Verge each Saturday for live classes where we can all work together and finish a project together. I chose to focus on HTML & CSS specifically as we are still learning in the JavaScript sections of our course-work and I wanted to put a portfolio into action should anyone with an Internship take a look they could get an introduction to my style. I look forward to creating my React js portfolio and will keep this portfolio as a separate project.
Table of Contents:
- Portfolio - template provided by freeCodeCamp Curriculum with the essential sections of the portfolio layout. Profile section - focus is on how important my experience is to me with Code Bootcamp. Projects section - has real world application to sell locally produced raw honey. Contacts section - links are up to date to my primary social media and email.
- Product Page - Raw Urban Honey produced locally in Oklahoma City is both good and good for you. This page includes a HERO submit button for users to input their email to receive a pricing list.
- Photo Gallery - Bees need access to fresh water all year long - this is a fully flex photo gallery that will adjust perfectly to the users’ display size.
- Contact Card - CSS flex contact card that will adjust perfectly to the users display.
All projects were supported and made possible by my attendance with the 2023 Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp.
You can view my published profile page at the following link:
GitHub Profile: