Store Cards is built using Tcl/TK and Zint
The aim is to keep all your store cards on your linux phone.
The only dependencies are tcl, tk and zint.
Sane (scanimage) and Imagemagick (magick) to allow scanning of Store Cards
Imagemagick (magick) to read and convert different image types.
Pinephone-Toolkit (pptk) to raise the backlight for easy scanning of barcodes (AUR or
Download the source code and run to:
Copy the storecards programme to /usr/bin
Copy the icons to /usr/share/pixmaps/storecards
Copy the desktop file to /usr/share/applications
Copy the sample data files to ~/.local/share/storecards
To update download the source code and run again. all data will be preserved.
To uninstall Store Cards run from the downloads directory.
This is the first release of the software. If you find it useful, good. If you do not then please file a bug report.