Technos : Python, Poetry, Tensorflow, Keras, Google Cloud
Author : Anatole-DC
git --version
# git version 2.34.1
python --version
# Python 3.10.12
poetry run --version
# Poetry (version 1.6.1)
If you are using pyenv
Activate koregraph
pyenv local koregraph
Install poetry
pip intall poetry
This template is configured to work with the VSCode editor, but it does not required it to be used.
git clone
cd koregraph
poetry shell
poetry install
In dev mode :
poetry install --with dev,viewer
Generate features and output pkl files
poetry run generate
Train a model
poetry run train -m model_kelly
Get a video
poetry run predict -m model_kelly -a mBR0
Export presentation (github pages)
poetry run jupyter nbconvert --no-input frontend/views/presentation.ipynb --to slides --stdout > documentation/pages/index.html
Train a model
poetry run train --help
# Pass the -d option to only take a random sample of the dataset
poetry run train -m modelkelly -d 0.5
# Train on the cloud (ensure the environment variable are set)
poetry run train -m modelkelly --with-cloud -d
Predict a choregraphy from an audio
poetry run predict -a mBR1 -m model -i 01
Build viewer video from choregraphy
poetry run viewer -c data/keypoints2d/gBR_sBM_cAll_d04_mBR0_ch01.pkl # Path to your video
Create 5 sec chunks for a choreography
poetry run chunk -c data/keypoints2d/gBR_sBM_cAll_d04_mBR0_ch02.pkl -s 5
If the music already exists, but you want to split it again for some reason, add the following parameter --reload-music
Plot the loss
poetry run evaluate -m model_name
If history is a buckup file, add -b
Pitch en ligne
Transformer mercredi deuxième semaine
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.