sbt package1/run
=> run play-framework
sbt package1/docker:publishLocal
=> will create docker image of the play application.
sbt package1/docker:clean
=> will remove the docker image.
sbt package1/playUpdateSecret
will generate a new secret play web-application and replace it with the old secret in the application.conf
If you have a dockerhub account you can update this environment variable (DOCKERHUB_USER
) in your endpoint. then you will be able to publish the docker image to your repo by this task:
sbt package1/docker:publish
You'll need to create a docker repository that equal to the sub-project name => name.value
sbt package2/run
=> run application
sbt package2/docker:publishLocal
=> will create docker image application.
sbt package2/docker:clean
=> will remove the docker image.
sbt package2/docker:publish
=> publish docker image to repo.