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Using Themes

Emee Miano edited this page Feb 23, 2022 · 2 revisions

Using the default theme

AmityUIKit uses the default theme as part of the design language.

Theme customization

With no customization, UIKit already looks good. However, if you wish to customize the theme, you can declare changes to both colors and typography.


UIKit uses a small set of declared colors to simplify the design task for developers. These colors are automatically rendered at appropriate shades to communicate states and interaction to the users.

Color Description Default
Primary Used for buttons and primary call to actions #1054DE
Secondary Used in secondary UI elements #292B32
Alert Used when informing users of errors or information that requires attention #FA4D30
Highlight Used for hyperlink text #1054DE
Base Text presented on light background #292B32
Base Inverse Text presented on dark background #FFFFFF
Message Bubble Background color of message bubble sent by the user #1054DE
Message Bubble Inverse Background color of message bubble sent to the user #EBECEF


The AmityTypography is a class that manages a set of UIFont properties used in Amity UIKit. All fonts used in our UIKit are configured under this class.

Element Font/Weight Size (points)
HeaderLine System/Bold 20
Title System/Semibold 17
Body System/Regular 15
Body bold System/Semibold 15
Caption System/Regular 13
Caption bold System/Semibold 13
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