I had so many challenge in choosing the best DNS sni proxy server thats fits my internet service provider so I develope an script that tests the speed of the DNSs so I won't waste my time on finding the best DNS server
you can use this script with docker
you only need docker installed and you can edit variables in .env for your needs.
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ArmanTaheriGhaleTaki/best403unlocker/ && cd best403unlocker && docker build -t speedtestdns . && docker run --env-file .env speedtestdns
or you can use built image uploaded in dockerhub
for that case you need to use .env at run time
wget -c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArmanTaheriGhaleTaki/best403unlocker/main/.env && docker run --env-file .env armantaherighaletaki/best403unlocker
my social media - @armondy🙄 - [email protected]
Project Link: best403unlocker