the easy-ish edition (c)
So you want to contribute to the OPNsense documentation, and of course, you want a preview of whatever you're doing.
The way to go would be to install python, python-pip, python-dev, python-setuptools and a bunch of other python-y stuff.
That allows you to build HTML via Sphinx.
Now I personally don't want to clutter my system with boatloads of dependencies in order to get a HTML preview.
So Docker to the rescue.
Of course you need the opnsense-doc repository somewhere locally (and have installed):
mkdir ~/src/
cd ~/src/
git clone
Now run the following:
docker run --rm -v ~/src/docs:/docs alphakilo/opnsense-sphinx-doc:latest
Observe how the folder docs/builds/html
now contains all the files necessary to view the docs 😄
I'm unsure about a few things regarding the official Sphinx instance (i.e what python and sphinx versions they run).
So there might be differences how the sources get parsed.
Right now I'm using the latest Python 3.6 and whatever Sphinx lies in the pip3 repository (currently 1.7.2).
Is not persistent. It get's wiped every time you run the Docker image (or: /usr/bin/make clean && /usr/bin/make html
This is due to the fact that I consider the build directory volatile. It should not contain artifacts from previous builds.
If you happen to think otherwise, tell me your reason via issue.