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SensorReading Class

james edited this page Jul 19, 2022 · 6 revisions

The SensorReading class is the team's current solution to handling sensor data and relevant faults. It has the following fields and methods:


  • type: type of the reading as a fault_index_type object
  • value: boolean value representing the reading value
  • fault_status: whether the reading is faulty (1 means invalid reading and 0 means valid reading)


  • SensorReading(fault_index_type t, float x, bool fault): constructor of a SensorReading Object with the three arguments corresponding to the three fields above
  • get_value(): returns the float value of the SensorReading object
  • is_valid(): return true if the reading is valid and false othersise
  • set_valid(): set the fault_status field to 0 to indicate valid reading; will also toggle the corresponding bit in faults::fault_1/fault_2/fault_3
  • set_invalid(): set the fault_status field to 1 to indicate invalid reading; will also toggle the corresponding bit in faults::fault_1/fault_2/fault_3

The SensorReading objects are initialized in the sfr and modified by the monitors to keep track of different sensor readings on the satellite.

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