- add soft-iot-dlt-client-tangle-hornet dependency #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- create LedgerConnector class #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- create NeedServiceTask #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- add requestServiceTaskTime parameter #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- requesting services from others nodes #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- create WaitNodeResponseTask task #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- create NodeServiceType enumerator #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- add waitNodeResponseTaskTime property #9 (AllanCapistrano)
Bug Fixes
- start timer after publish REP_SVC_REQ and duplicated evaluation transactions #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- add param to constructor #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- add docs to update method #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- checking requestingService flag #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- implementing update method and create getRandomDeviceId method #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- using evaluateServiceProvider method #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- fix waiting message, change requestingService to false and fix serviceProviderId to evaluate #9 (AllanCapistrano)
- update build-bundle action (AllanCapistrano)
- update default values (AllanCapistrano)