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update extension.ts
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allan committed Feb 10, 2023
1 parent bb7892a commit c9a2073
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 12 deletions.
131 changes: 119 additions & 12 deletions extensions/vscode/src/extension.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as _ from "lodash";
import * as mkdirp from "mkdirp";
import * as changeCase from "change-case";
import { existsSync, lstatSync, writeFile } from "fs";

//import * from './templates';
import { newScaffold } from "./commands";
let homeDir = os.homedir();
let CONFIG_PATH : string;
// This method is called when your extension is activated
// Your extension is activated the very first time the command is executed
Expand All @@ -16,10 +18,6 @@ export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
// This line of code will only be executed once when your extension is activated
console.log('Congratulations, your extension "go-ddd-scaffold" is now active!');
console.log(`CONFIG_PATH = ${CONFIG_PATH}`);
// The command has been defined in the package.json file
// Now provide the implementation of the command with registerCommand
Expand All @@ -32,30 +30,70 @@ export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
vscode.commands.registerCommand("", newScaffold),
// The command has been defined in the package.json file
// Now provide the implementation of the command with registerCommand
// The commandId parameter must match the command field in package.json
let new_scaffold = vscode.commands.registerCommand('', async (uri: vscode.Uri) => {
// The code you place here will be executed every time your command is executed
// Display a message box to the user
//window.showInformationMessage('Hello World from Vanilla BLoC!');
console.log(" starts");
const scaffoldName = await promptForBlocName();
if (_.isNil(scaffoldName) || scaffoldName.trim() === "") {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage("The bloc name must not be empty");
console.log("scaffoldName", scaffoldName);
let targetDirectory;
if (_.isNil(_.get(uri, "fsPath")) || !lstatSync(uri.fsPath).isDirectory()) {
targetDirectory = await promptForTargetDirectory();
if (_.isNil(targetDirectory)) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage("Please select a valid directory");
} else {
targetDirectory = uri.fsPath;
console.log(`targetDirectory ${targetDirectory}`);
try {
await generateScaffoldCode( scaffoldName, targetDirectory );
`Successfully Generated ${scaffoldName}`
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error);
${error instanceof Error ? error.message : JSON.stringify(error)}`
// This method is called when your extension is deactivated
export function deactivate() {}
console.log("onDidChangeActiveTextEditor "+event);
async function promptForTargetFiles(): Promise<string | undefined> {
const options: OpenDialogOptions = {
const options: vscode.OpenDialogOptions = {
canSelectMany: false,
openLabel: "Select a file to upload",
canSelectFolders: false,
canSelectFiles: true,

return window.showOpenDialog(options).then(uri => {
return vscode.window.showOpenDialog(options).then(uri => {
if (_.isNil(uri) || _.isEmpty(uri)) {
return undefined;
Expand All @@ -75,4 +113,73 @@ function createDirectory(targetDirectory: string): Promise<void> {

function promptForBlocName(): Thenable<string | undefined> {
const blocNamePromptOptions: vscode.InputBoxOptions = {
prompt: "Vanilla Bloc Name",
placeHolder: "counter"
return vscode.window.showInputBox(blocNamePromptOptions);

async function promptForTargetDirectory(): Promise<string | undefined> {
const options: vscode.OpenDialogOptions = {
canSelectMany: false,
openLabel: "Select a folder to create the bloc in",
canSelectFolders: true

return vscode.window.showOpenDialog(options).then(uri => {
if (_.isNil(uri) || _.isEmpty(uri)) {
return undefined;
return uri[0].fsPath;

async function generateScaffoldCode(
scaffoldName: string,
targetDirectory: string,
) {
console.log(`generateBlocCode targetDirectory ${targetDirectory}`);
const scaffoldDirectoryPath = `${targetDirectory}/bloc`;
console.log(`scaffoldDirectoryPath ${scaffoldDirectoryPath}`);
if (!existsSync(scaffoldDirectoryPath)) {
await createDirectoryV2(scaffoldDirectoryPath);
await Promise.all([
createScaffoldTemplate(scaffoldName, targetDirectory,),

function createDirectoryV2(targetDirectory: string): Promise<void> {
console.log(`createDirectoryV2 ${targetDirectory}`);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
mkdirp(targetDirectory, { mode: '0777' })

function createScaffoldTemplate(scaffoldName: string, targetDirectory: string, ) {
const snakeCaseScaffoldName = changeCase.snakeCase(scaffoldName.toLowerCase());
const targetPath = `${targetDirectory}/bloc/${snakeCaseScaffoldName}_bloc.dart`;
console.log(`targetPath ${targetPath}`);
if (existsSync(targetPath)) {
throw Error(`${snakeCaseScaffoldName}_bloc.dart already exists`);
/*return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
writeFile(targetPath, getScaffoldTemplate(scaffoldName), "utf8", error => {
if (error) {

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