👋 Hi, I’m @Alice-1031
👀 I’m interested in deepening my understanding of biological systems and their underlying processes,using the power of computation and statistical analysis.
🌱 I’m currently an undergrad pursing a dual major in Computer Science and Data analytics with a domain in Biology and Math.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on simulation models especially for scientific projects, but not having specialized yet and with many hours of coding to do before I master the skill, I am open to a variety of projects, backend for web apps would fall right under my current level of experience from past projects in Java and a good grasp of concepts in object oriented programming, data structures and algorithms and computer architecture. I am currenlty pursuing more projects in C++ as it is the most common language in use for academic models, in addition I am skilled in the use of R for statistical analysis and familiar with the basics of information security and network motinoring,bash scripting and SQL.
"Coding is just like playing the piano, u gotta do it to master it" - my professor
- 📫 How to reach me ...Try my gmail: [email protected]