This project provides a test management application and reporting. All data and logic are handled by backend services such as the reporting-service while this project provides the UI and management of session.
Used technologies:
- Nodejs
- React
- ES6
- Webpack
- Babel
npm install
npm start
Check your http://localhost:8080/ or open http://localhost:8080/
npm test
Minimizes the bundle file
npm run build
├── /node_modules/ # 3rd-party libraries and utilities.
├── /public/ # public folder, which serves the web pages.
| ├── bundle.js # The compiled js of all snippets of code in app directory.
| ├── index.hmtl # Main html page.
| ├── img # Public image directory.
| ├── css # Public css directory.
├── /app/ # The source code of the application.
│ ├── /components/ # React components.
│ ├── /index.js # Universal (isomorphic) application routes.
│ └── /server.js # Server-side startup script.
├── /test/ # Test directory.
│ ├── /components/ # Unit tests of application components.
├── webpack.config.js # Build automation scripts and utilities.
└── package.json # Project configuration and meta data.