This project contains the artifacts to deploy the Hello World Service via Docker and Kubernetes.
The service connects to a Postgres database to retrieve the welcome message to return.
To build the Docker image run the script which gets the service jar:
docker build -t anaxes-hello-world-service .
You first need the postgres host. If you run postgres via Docker and have named the container 'postgres' you can get the host from Docker:
SPRING_DATASOURCE_HOST=`docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" postgres`
Then run the service Docker image on port 8080:
docker run -p8080:8080 -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://$SPRING_DATASOURCE_HOST/postgres -e SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME=postgres --name hello-world-backend anaxes-hello-world-service:latest
You should then be able to access the REST API at: