[ACS-6126] Fixed accessibility issue #1549
7 errors and 1 notice
1) [Actions] › src/tests/create-folder-from-template.spec.ts:241:11 › Create folder from template › Personal Files page › Create from template dialog › [C325144] Special characters in folder name
Test timeout of 45000ms exceeded.
1) [Actions] › src/tests/create-folder-from-template.spec.ts:241:11 › Create folder from template › Personal Files page › Create from template dialog › [C325144] Special characters in folder name
Error: locator.fill: Page closed
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for locator('app-create-from-template-dialog label').filter({ hasText: 'Name *' })
locator resolved to <label for="mat-input-1" aria-owns="mat-input-1" ng-ref…>…</label>
waiting for element to be visible, enabled and editable
element was detached from the DOM, retrying
243 |
244 | for (const specialFolderName of nameWithSpecialChars) {
> 245 | await createFolderFromTemplateDialog.getDialogLabel(nameLabel).fill(specialFolderName);
| ^
246 | await createFolderFromTemplateDialog.page.keyboard.press(tabKeyString);
247 | await expect(createFolderFromTemplateDialog.getDialogLabel(nameLabel)).toHaveValue(specialFolderName);
248 | expect
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/actions/src/tests/create-folder-from-template.spec.ts:245:74
1) [Actions] › src/tests/create-folder-from-template.spec.ts:241:11 › Create folder from template › Personal Files page › Create from template dialog › [C325144] Special characters in folder name
Pending operations:
- locator.fill at e2e/playwright/actions/src/tests/create-folder-from-template.spec.ts:245:74
2) [Actions] › src/tests/create-library.spec.ts:134:7 › Create Libraries › [C289882] Create a library with a given ID and description
Test timeout of 45000ms exceeded.
3) [Actions] › src/tests/create-library.spec.ts:233:7 › Create Libraries › [C280030] Create 2 libraries with same name but different IDs
Test timeout of 45000ms exceeded.
3) [Actions] › src/tests/create-library.spec.ts:233:7 › Create Libraries › [C280030] Create 2 libraries with same name but different IDs
Error: locator.click: Target closed
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for locator('adf-pagination [aria-label="Next page button"]')
locator resolved to <button disabled="true" mat-icon-button="" ng-reflect-di…>…</button>
attempting click action
waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
element is not enabled - waiting...
at ../../../projects/aca-playwright-shared/src/page-objects/components/dataTable/data-table.component.ts:205
203 | }
204 | await this.pagination.getArrowLocatorFor(PaginationActionsType.NextPageSelector).isEnabled();
> 205 | await this.pagination.getArrowLocatorFor(PaginationActionsType.NextPageSelector).click();
| ^
206 | await this.spinnerWaitForReload();
207 | }
208 | }
at DataTableComponent.goThroughPagesLookingForRowWithName (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/projects/aca-playwright-shared/src/page-objects/components/dataTable/data-table.component.ts:205:88)
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/actions/src/tests/create-library.spec.ts:245:5
3) [Actions] › src/tests/create-library.spec.ts:233:7 › Create Libraries › [C280030] Create 2 libraries with same name but different IDs
Pending operations:
- locator.click at projects/aca-playwright-shared/src/page-objects/components/dataTable/data-table.component.ts:205:88
3 flaky
[Actions] › src/tests/create-folder-from-template.spec.ts:241:11 › Create folder from template › Personal Files page › Create from template dialog › [C325144] Special characters in folder name
[Actions] › src/tests/create-library.spec.ts:134:7 › Create Libraries › [C289882] Create a library with a given ID and description
[Actions] › src/tests/create-library.spec.ts:233:7 › Create Libraries › [C280030] Create 2 libraries with same name but different IDs
39 passed (8.0m)
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.