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Chapter 2, Scaling

AlexandreArpin edited this page Oct 27, 2014 · 1 revision

Has the setup gone well?

You have probably noticed that the game is running in a small window which is not quite acceptable.

Here are the requirements:

  • Desired resolution 640x480
  • It's a pixelart game so we don't want smoothing or antialising
  • (Android) The game should scale to fill up the whole window
  • (Desktop) The game should be in fullscreen

I have asked Mike to give you some advice and this is his reply:


You can find the main file in /src/.../ and /src/.../ - some modification to the LwjglApplicationConfiguration are required but you should be able to figure out what to do from their docs on Starter classes and configuration.

Again fill out an issue if you run into problems

Good luck!


Joshua Hal
