MagicHome Wifi protocol for Python.
This utility was designed for use with devices compatible with the MagicHome Wifi app.
It currently supports:
- Bulbs (Firmware v.4 and greater)
- Legacy Bulbs (Firmware v.3 and lower)
- RGB Controllers
- RGB+WW Controllers
- RGB+WW+CW Controllers
- Turning devices on and off
- Getting current device states
- Setting either colors, or whites (in bulbs)
- Setting colors (+ WW + CW) in compatible devices
- Sending preset functions
- Initial device setup via UDP.
- Custom commands (I know how it works ... just not a priority to implement currently.)
- Setting the device's internal clock.
Device types are:
- 0: RGB
- 1: RGB+WW
- 2: RGB+WW+CW
- 3: Bulb (v.4+)
- 4: Bulb (v.3-) (Higher numbers reserved for future use)
Functions accept integers 0-255 as parameters.
To create a new instance of the API, use the following terminology:
controller1 = MagicHomeApi('IP Address', [Device Type (from above)])
And then call its functions in the following manner:
Get the status of a device:
To turn a device on:
And similarly, to turn it off:
To update a colored device, send R, G, and B to it.
controller1.update_device(R, G, B)
And if that device supports WW/CW (or both):
controller1.update_device(R, G, B, WW, CW)
BUT, if you want to update a bulb's white level, send R,G,B AND W... only W's level will be used.
controller1.update_device(R, G, B, W)
To Update a Bulb's color, you don't need to send the W parameter. Finally, to send a preset command:
controller1.send_preset_function(25, 100)
Presets can range from 0x25 (int 37) to 0x38 (int 56), anything outside of this will be rounded up or down.
A speed of 10 0% is fastest, and 0 % is super duper slow.
Copyright 2016 Adam Kempenich. Licensed under MIT.
Questions? Comments? Feedback of any kind? Find me on Github, @AdamKempenich