TP-Link Exporter is a Prometheus exporter that exposes the state of TP-Link smart home devices. This allows you to easliy monitor energy usage of devices, when they're turned on or off and make it available in a Grafana dashboard.
First, download the latest release for your architecture.
The exporter can now be started like so:
- Support for TP-Link devices with energy monitoring, such as HS110
- Supports broadcasting (auto-discovery)
Download the latest release from here.
Clone the repository.
git clone && cd tp-link-exporter
Optionally check out a specific version.
git checkout v0.1.0
Build the image.
make build-docker
Run a container.
docker run -p8080:8080 tp-link-exporter:v0.1.0 -- --target --target
Clone the repository.
git clone && cd tp-link-exporter
Optionally check out a specific version.
git checkout v0.1.0
Build the exporter.
make build
Usage: tp-link-exporter [global options] command [command options] [arguments]
A prometheus exporter for TP-Link smart home devices
Version: v0.1.0, build d663ff9. Built Mon Nov 22 20:21:42 CET 2021 using go version go1.17.2 darwin/amd64
--address value Address to serve metrics on (default: :8080)
--target value Target address to talk to. May be specified multiple times. May be a broadcast address.
--verbose Enable verbose logging (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
version Show the application's version
help Shows a list of commands or help for one command
Run 'tp-link-exporter help command' for more information on a command.
tp-link-exporter --target --target --target
{"level":"info","ts":1637609683.412695,"caller":"cmd/default.go:50","msg":"Finding devices","address":":8080","port":9999}
{"level":"info","ts":1637609683.4129431,"caller":"tplink/broadcaster.go:35","msg":"Listening for responses","address":""}
Note: This project is still actively being developed. The documentation is an ongoing progress.
Metric Name | Type | Labels | Description |
tplink_energy_current |
Gauge | device_id , model , name , type |
Current current (amps) |
tplink_energy_power_watts |
Gauge | device_id , model , name , type |
Current power draw (watts) |
tplink_energy_voltage |
Gauge | device_id , model , name , type |
Current voltage |
tplink_relay_state |
Gauge | device_id , model , name , type |
Current state of the relay, 0 for off, 1 for on |
tplink_statistics_rssi |
Gauge | device_id , model , name , type |
Current Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) |
Label Name | Description | Example |
device_id |
The device's unique id | 8078FAAA8BC64613B3AA41334DEC4DCE |
model |
Model of the device | HS110(EU) |
name |
Alias / name of the device | Server |
type |
Type description of the device | IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH |
# HELP tplink_energy_current Current
# TYPE tplink_energy_current gauge
tplink_energy_current{device_id="8078FAAA8BC64613B3AA41334DEC4DCE",model="HS110(EU)",name="Server",type="IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH"} 0.025613
# HELP tplink_energy_power_watts Power draw in watts
# TYPE tplink_energy_power_watts gauge
tplink_energy_power_watts{device_id="8078FAAA8BC64613B3AA41334DEC4DCE",model="HS110(EU)",name="Server",type="IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH"} 0.800115
# HELP tplink_energy_voltage Voltage
# TYPE tplink_energy_voltage gauge
tplink_energy_voltage{device_id="8078FAAA8BC64613B3AA41334DEC4DCE",model="HS110(EU)",name="Server",type="IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH"} 234.482012
# HELP tplink_relay_state State of the relay. 1 is on, 0 is off
# TYPE tplink_relay_state gauge
tplink_relay_state{device_id="8078FAAA8BC64613B3AA41334DEC4DCE",model="HS110(EU)",name="Server",type="IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH"} 1
# HELP tplink_statistics_rssi Received Signal Strength Indication
# TYPE tplink_statistics_rssi gauge
tplink_statistics_rssi{device_id="8078FAAA8BC64613B3AA41334DEC4DCE",model="HS110(EU)",name="Server",type="IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH"} -70
Any help with the project is more than welcome.
# Clone the repository && cd tp-link-exporter
# Show available commands
make help
# Build the project for the native target
make build
Note: due to a bug (,,, clang is required when building for macOS. GCC cannot be used. Build the server like so: CC=clang make server
See for information on how to simulate devices.
A lot of effort has been put in by plasticrake in TP-Link APIs and simulation. This project would have been much more difficult to create was it not for his efforts.