LMK.GPIO is a GPIO library that can support LeMaker SBC products, such as Banana Pro/Pi, LeMaker Guitar. In order to use convinient, we set most functions name to the same as the RPi.GPIO for Raspberry Pi. The LMK.GPIO API usage are the same to the RPi.GPIO. You can donwload the LMK.GPIO from: https://github.com/LeMaker/LMK.GPIO.
Banana Pro/Pi
LeMaker Guitar
HiKey (TBD)
git clone https://github.com/LeMaker/LMK.GPIO
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev
python setup.py install
sudo python setup.py install
Please be attention that you need use both python and sudo pytohn to make the LMK.GPIO work well.
You can go to LeMaker wiki to see the basic examples: http://wiki.lemaker.org/LMK.GPIO
And the source directory test also has many demo.
This version supports a new addressing mode "RAW" which enables you to use any GPIO pin. Below is an example which sets PD10 (which is pin 29 on the LCD connector) to a high level.
import LMK.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.output(GPIO.PD+10, 1)
LeMaker Team