This are the dotfiles that I currently use in my arch build.
- Install the dependencies using
paru -S hyprland hyprshot dunst waybar kitty swaybg swaylock-effects swayidle playerctl rofi-emoji ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd ttf-noto-nerd otf-font-awesome blueman network-manager-applet wl-clipboard wtype wlr-randr nwg-look redshift-wayland-git xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland udisks2 gvfs polkit-gnome wget cliphist swayosd-git sddm
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Copy the config files
cd ./configfiles/.config
cp -r dunst hypr kitty swaylock rofi waybar ~/.config
- Enable service needed by swayosd
sudo systemctl enable --now swayosd-libinput-backend.service
- Clone the repo
git clone
- You may first want to take a look and edit
. For the current configuration, these are all the dependencies:
paru -S awesome-git kitty rofi picom thunar x11-emoji-picker xidlehook gnome-calculator firefox networkmanager ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd ttf-noto-nerd blueman xss-lock papirus-icon-theme alsa-utils playerctl brightnessctl i3lock-color betterlockscreen maim xclip polkit-gnome redshift udisks2 gvfs
- Copy the config files
cd ./configfiles/.config
cp -r awesome kitty picom rofi ~/.config
- Optional packages that I would recommend using:
- arandr and autorandr
- easyeffects/pavucontrol
- lxappearance-gtk3
- mpv
- nvidia-settings (also enable Force Composition Pipeline if there is any screen tearing - save the config in
and add the following line to the Section "Device"(the one that contains the name of the gpu)Option "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1"
Gtk theme: Orchis-dark
Display manager:
- LightDM with a webkit2 theme (glorious theme or litarvan theme).
- SDDM with the sugar-candy theme
- Orchis-dark
- Papirus
- Interface text: Roboto Medium
- Monospace text: Liberation Mono Regular
- Terminal: Source Code Pro Semibold / Jetbrains Mono
- AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support
- Applications Menu
- ArcMenu
- Auto Move Windows
- Blur my Shell
- Dash to Panel
- Launch new instance
- Native Window Placement
- Panel Date Format
- Unite
- Vitals