This module provides the deformation gradient Fij at three locations in the right lung of a Soldier who has suffered trauma produced by pressure/stress waves traversing and reflecting across their thorax cavity caused by a high-energy impact to the rib cage from a blunt object. The 1 direction points from the chest towards the left arm. The 2 direction points from the torso towards the head along the spine. And the 3 direction points from the spine towards the breast bone.
These data are used in a book that is currently being written by the authors of this software, i.e.,
Freed, A.D., and Clayton, J.D., Application of Laplace Stretch in Alveolar Mechanics: A Case Study of Blast and Blunt Trauma.
To use this module, you will need to add the following repositories to your project:
using Pkg
Pkg.add(url = "")
Pkg.add(url = "")
Pkg.add(url = "")
These three locations lie on the same horizontal plane of a right lung, roughly placed midway between the top and bottom surfaces of a lung, i.e., they lie within a 1-3 plane.
- Location 1:
Resides just under the visceral pleura, adjacent to the location of impact.
- Location 2:
Resides deep within the right lung.
- Location 3:
Resides next to a bronchiole tube.
Location 1 is closest to the point of impact, while Location 3 is the furthest from this point.
The following functions supply the raw data that are fit with splines. These functions are called internally by the constructors (see below). The data, which reside on github, are downloaded at runtime, thereby requiring an internet connection at runtime.
The following functions return an array of physical scalars (PhysicalFields.ArrayOfPhysicalScalars)
and an array of physical tensors (PhysicalFields.ArrayOfPhysicalTensors)
that hold the time t (in seconds) and the nine components of a deformation gradient Fij, respectively, at the 1st location. These data are sequenced over a time interval of 34 milliseconds.
function t_loc1()::ArrayOfPhysicalScalars
function F_loc1()::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors
The following functions return an array of physical scalars (PhysicalFields.ArrayOfPhysicalScalars)
and an array of physical tensors (PhysicalFields.ArrayOfPhysicalTensors)
that hold the time t (in seconds) and the nine components of a deformation gradient Fij, respectively, at the 2nd location. These data are sequenced over a time interval of 34 milliseconds.
function t_loc2()::ArrayOfPhysicalScalars
function F_loc2()::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors
The following functions return an array of physical scalars (PhysicalFields.ArrayOfPhysicalScalars)
and an array of physical tensors (PhysicalFields.ArrayOfPhysicalTensors)
that hold the time t (in seconds) and the nine components of a deformation gradient Fij, respectively, at the 3rd location. These data are sequenced over a time interval of 34 milliseconds.
function t_loc3()::ArrayOfPhysicalScalars
function F_loc3()::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors
This data structure holds data that have been fit with splines describing the nine individual components of a deformation gradient Fij, plus its first dFij/dt and second d2Fij/dt2 derivatives in time.
struct SplineF
loc::Integer # loc Lung location, i.e., 1, 2 or 3.
N:: Integer # N Number of intervals spanning time.
t:: ArrayOfPhysicalScalars # t Time at the node of each interval.
F:: ArrayOfPhysicalTensors # F Their deformation gradients.
F′:: ArrayOfPhysicalTensors # dF/dt Their first derivatives in time.
F″:: ArrayOfPhysicalTensors # d²F/dt² Their second derivatives in time.
Two constructors are provided. The first returns a data structure of type SplineF
whose arrays have entries located at the end points of the N
uniform time intervals spanning the 34 milliseconds, i.e., their nodes are located at the end points of the intervals. The second returns a data structure whose arrays have entries located at the mid points of the N
uniform time intervals spanning the 34 milliseconds, i.e., their nodes are located at the mid points of the intervals. All arrays are of length N+1 with their first entry [1] holding its initial condition and the remaining N entries holding either the end-point or the mid-point data, per the function called.
function splineAtEndPoints(location::Int, nodes::Int)::SplineF
function splineAtMidPoints(location::Int, nodes::Int)::SplineF
There are 340 knots, or raw data points, supplied by the data files that the spline function fits. Typically, the number of nodes required of an analysis will be a value much greater than this, e.g., 1000. The deformation gradient SplineF.F
comes from a clamped cubic spline of these raw data. Its first derivative SplineF.F′
is therefore described by a quadratic spline, while its second derivative SplineF.F″
is described by a linear spline.
An example of how these data can be used, e.g., plotted, can be found in the test directory in file testFijLung.jl.
Improved the documentation.
Changed the spline library used from BSplineKit.jl to CubicSplines.jl. Also, changed SplineF.F′′ to a more condensed notation of SplineF.F″.
The overloaded operator * used for differentiating splines (according to BSplineKit) was replaced with the base function it calls, viz., diff, as the overloaded operator * gets confused in some cases. This did not affect the interface.
A substantial performance improvement was implemented.
Directly imported the needed funtions supplied by BSplineKit instead of just a general include via using.
Splined data are now supplied for both mid-point and end-point nodal locations.
Initial public release.