That repo explains how to generate data to be used with AlpiMaps.
It can also be used to generate mbtiles to be used with other projects like tileserver-gl
, qgis
brew install aria2 gdal autoconf automake zmq czmq
pip3 install gdal
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
sudo apt install -y aria2 gdal-bin autoconf automake pkg-config libtool make gcc g++ lcov cmake make libtool pkg-config g++ gcc curl unzip jq lcov protobuf-compiler vim-common locales libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev liblz4-dev libprotobuf-dev
You'll also need venv for python (package depending on your python3 version but something like sudo apt install -y python3.10-venv
You ll need to install
Now you need to run ./
at leat once
after that if you dont want to use the full build script you need to run source ./
to ensure env variables are set
First download the poly of the area you want from geofabrick or find the bounds you want
- polyzoom: zoom used to compute wanted tiles from poly-shape. The bigger the slower to compute but also the more defined is your zone
- elevation_tiles: folder where to store elevation_tiles use by valhalla and to generate tiffs
First we need the poly / pbf from that region
export AREA=italy
python ./scripts/ --poly $AREA
export POLY=$AREA.poly
java -jar $PLANETILER_JAR --only-download --area=$AREA
valhalla_build_config --mjolnir-tile-dir ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles --mjolnir-tile-extract ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles.tar --mjolnir-timezone ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles/timezones.sqlite --mjolnir-admin ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles/admins.sqlite --additional-data-elevation ${PWD}/elevation_tiles > valhalla.json
You can change the languages parameter to your need ( like en,fr
There you have multiple choices. Either build only using the area you want. But you will end up with half-filled tiles on area bounds
java -Xmx32g -jar $PLANETILER_JAR --download --area=${AREA} --languages="" --force --compact-db --transportation-name-limit-merge -exclude_layers=route --nodemap-type=array --mbtiles=${OUTPUT_DIR}/${AREA}/${AREA}.mbtiles --polygon=$POLY --max-point-buffer=4
Or build using a "parent" area. For example i will always use europe as i mostly build europe countries
java -Xmx32g -jar $PLANETILER_JAR --download --area=europe --languages="" --force --compact-db --transportation-name-limit-merge -exclude_layers=route --nodemap-type=array --mbtiles=${OUTPUT_DIR}/${AREA}/${AREA}.mbtiles --polygon=$POLY --max-point-buffer=4
If you want to generate low level world map:
java -Xmx32g -jar $PLANETILER_JAR --download --area=planet --languages=fr,en --force --transportation-name-limit-merge --compact-db --only_layers=place,park,boundary,mountain_peak,transportation,transportation_name,water,waterway,water_name,landcover,landcover_name,landuse --maxzoom=7 --nodemap-type=array --mbtiles=${OUTPUT_DIR}/world.mbtiles --max-point-buffer=4
## # Generate routes mbtiles
java -Xmx32g -jar $PLANETILER_JAR --download --area=${AREA} --languages="" --force --compact-db --transportation-name-limit-merge -only_layers=route --nodemap-type=array --mbtiles=${OUTPUT_DIR}/${AREA}/${AREA}_routes.mbtiles --polygon=$POLY --max-point-buffer=4
Now generate the tif of the area you want. It is best to use polyzoom as the min zoom you want for hillshades / contours. This ensure you wont get half filled tiles. Though the process will be slower and the tif bigger
We use a small polyzoom (5) to avoid half filled tiles. You can raise it for faster build but you ll have half filled tiles in hillshades or contours (mostly hillshade as contours is starting at zoom 11 here)
If you want to have more defined tif over (that you would get from another source) you can use the --overTif
option. It should do it all for you
./scripts/ --poly-shape $POLY --polyzoom 5 --elevation_tiles ./elevation_tiles --output ${AREA}.tif
./scripts/ --minzoom 5 --maxzoom 12 --round-digits 3 --max-round-digits 7 -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${AREA}/${AREA}_hillshade.mbtiles -f webp --poly-shape $POLY ${AREA}.tif
./scripts/ --minzoom 11 --maxzoom 14 --poly-shape $POLY --output ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${AREA}/${AREA}_contours.mbtiles ${AREA}.tif
This steps ensure we have the same tiles in the area mbtiles and hillshade/contours. It is important in AlpiMaps as we merge tiles from area and contours to draw contour lines in between the map style.
python ./scripts/ --sourcembtiles ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${AREA}/${AREA}.mbtiles ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${AREA}/${AREA}_contours.mbtiles
If you want you can also clear hillshade mbtiles (though it wont make much of a difference in size)
python ./scripts/ --sourcembtiles ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${AREA}/${AREA}.mbtiles ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${AREA}/${AREA}_hillshade.mbtiles
first build valhalla tiles if you didnt already. In my case i build valhalla tiles for the whole europe to ensure i have all tiles to calculate routes
between europe packages. So i only build valhalla tiles once . So here for my case i replace $AREA
with europe
valhalla_build_tiles -c valhalla.json data/sources/$AREA.osm.pbf
Then build valhalla "mbtiles package
python ./scripts/ --id $AREA --poly $AREA.poly --polymaxzoom=11 valhalla_tiles ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${AREA}/${AREA}.vtiles